Fentanyl is killing so many of our young people, not only in Albuquerque, but all over America! The border is wide open to allow this evil drug to flow all over our country and kill thousands! I officiate many funerals that are caused by this Satanic drug! The funeral home directors tell me that they have never seen anything like it! EITHER HAVE I.

I thank the LORD for the FBI and all law enforcement officers! I thank KRQE for doing an outstanding work in reporting on this issue!

Story Here

Fentanyl Awareness

New Mexico House Passes HB 7: “Parents have lost their right to protect their children. Lord protect our children from these demons.” KOB TV: Rep. Ryan Lane, Minority floor leader, introduced two amendments. After they failed, he closed in part, saying, “I think we should be concerned as a state once we enact this bill as law. Sadly, I think we’re unnecessarily pitting parents against their children when it comes to very important and vital medical decisions, and I’m concerned about sweeping in other people other than medical providers when we start getting into the classroom, when we start getting into the local government arena.”

Hopie Carrillo: Sad as it is. I saw our political powers exhibit their depraved minds in the pretense of protecting the rights of our children. Parents have lost their right to protect their children. Lord protect our children from these demons!

Raul and Melissa Archuleta: We have lost our way morally and spiritually. We are lost. Yet! Our hope remains in Jesus! We pray for a revival of our souls and hearts, we pray for repentance and a return to God. He is our answer.

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