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Jesus Wept. I am so sadden as to what America has become. The beating death of Tyre Nichols by the hands and feet of police officers

Jesus wept. John 11:35. Why did Jesus weep? Two passages in the Gospels and one in the Epistles (Hebrews 5:7) teach that Jesus wept. In the Gospels our Lord wept as He looked on man’s misery, and both instances demonstrate our Lord’s (loving) human nature, His compassion for people, and the life He offers to those who believe. When Jesus wept, He showed all these things. More Here

First of all, those that know me, know that I am a law abiding man, I love our Police Officers. I always thank them for serving our city. BUT! I weep today…….I am angry! We can know for sure that our anger or indignation is righteous when it is directed toward what angers God Himself. Righteous anger and indignation are justly expressed when we are confronted with sin. Good examples would be anger toward child abuse, pornography, racism, homosexual activity, murder, abortion, and the like. More Here

The America I grew up in is DEAD! My children and grandchildren are facing a new America that has turned away from God Almighty! I am so heartbroken.

I am sick at heart this morning…very sick….taken aback! The hands and feet of a group of mad man, police officers, kicking, punching and hitting Tyre Nichols with a baton and then putting him up against a car and letting him fall to the ground! How many times? It pains me to say this, but It seems to me these officers, turned Satanic and enjoyed beating him to death. That is so very sick. A Police Officer said last night on the TV program, “On Patrol” “This is a big set back to community policing in America, we have worked hard to build relationships.” Many more will never trust the police again. The evil acts by the ‘Scorpion squad’ in Memphis, has put a knife into the heart of all Americans. Why even call a police unit ‘Scorpion?” What Does The Bible Say About Murder?

We are such a godless country.


Memphis authorities on Friday evening released graphic video showing the arrest of Tyre Nichols, a 29-year-old Black man who died after a traffic stop on Jan. 10.

Federal, state and local authorities had warned that the footage of five former police officers, who are all Black men, was horrific and appalling, bracing the Memphis community and the country for what they would see.

Read the developing story here.

Two boys are accused of killing a girl in Albuquerque

We sure got this opinion this summer on our Great Commission trips: “I don’t need to be in a church. I’ve got my family and my Jesus.” We traveled to Arizona, California, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota and of course all over New Mexico in 2022. So many people said they no longer go to Church, they ‘do Church’ with themselves or family and friends. The most common reply on why they left the Church was, “Its become to political or I just get nothing out of it. The last 6 years or so with many pastors supporting immoral political candidates hurt the Church so very much. It tarnished the Church. Very, very concerning. It is such a blessing to meet folks and have honest discussions. JESUS at the center!

Most Americans say worshiping alone is a valid replacement for regularly attending church. How do you teach the importance of the church?

By Jonathan Hayashi from Lifeway Research

“I don’t need to be in a church. I’ve got my family and my Jesus.”

According to the 2022 State of Theology report, 66% of Americans say worshiping alone or with one’s family is a valid replacement for regularly attending church. If Christians have Jesus, why do they need to pursue other relationships that add commitments to their already busy schedules?

Christians respond to the gospel through repentance of sin and faith in Jesus. But is that it? What’s the problem with replacing the local church with a solo Christianity? Here are four questions to ask to help your church understand the importance of the local body of believers. More Here

From Pastor Dewey:

Remember only 6% of Americans have a Biblcial Worldview! Just 37% of pastors in America have a Biblical Worldview! Denominations are fading away as times goes on here in America. Very sad state of affairs!

For The Christian Post:

Despite a growing rejection of organized religion, with fewer than 50% of Americans holding formal church membership, spiritual openness is on the rise, with a majority of U.S. adults saying they believe in God or a higher power and want to grow spiritually, new data from the Barna Group suggests.

The data comes from a survey of 2,000 U.S. adults conducted in October 2022 by the Evangelical polling organization More Here

It was once a lot easier to be a Christian who experienced unity in community: 4 Unhealthy Missteps That Destroy Christian Unity

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