‘Satan Is Real’: Country Legend Dolly Parton Passionately Rebukes Devil on Prime-Time TV

Inductee Dolly Parton performs during the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony on Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022, at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)

From Barna: Four out of ten Christians (40%) strongly agreed that Satan “is not a living being but is a symbol of evil.” An additional two out of ten Christians (19%) said they “agree somewhat” with that perspective. A minority of Christians indicated that they believe Satan is real by disagreeing with the statement: one-quarter (26%) disagreed strongly and about one-tenth (9%) disagreed somewhat. The remaining 8% were not sure what they believe about the existence of Satan. This report is from 2009, the last I could find. I am sure the way America is going, with only 6% of us having a Biblical Worldview and just 37% of Pastors having a Biblical Worldview the stats are much worse on Americans who believe Satan is real here in 2022.

From Billy Hallowell in FAITHWIRE!

Country legend Dolly Parton performed her hit song “Go to Hell” during a Christmas special Thursday night, passionately rebuking the devil during prime-time TV.

Parton’s tune is all about telling Satan to “go to hell,” with the lyrics repeating that refrain, among other chastisements.

“Take your wars and your politics, your lust, and your greed, and go to hell in a hand basket, ’cause heaven waits for me,” she sang. “You’re a cheat, you’re a liar, you’re a scoundrel and a thief. More Here

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Has America Lost Her Way?


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