On A Mission!


“Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” — Hebrews 13:3

As you read this today, you may not know that upwards of 80% of all Christians around the world are being persecuted for their faith through torture, imprisonment isolation, destruction of property or death as we speak. Churches are closed down, pastors are arrested, and families are brutalized. All one needs to do is read the reports and statistics from any one of these ministries to the persecuted church:

Voice of the Martyrs,
Open Doors,
Faith Comes By Hearing,
Release International,
International Christian Concern,

Just in case you’re interested in numbers, it amounts to 360 million people. They are our brothers and sisters in Christ!

So, Dorothy and I are on another mission before God takes us home and we need your help. Our goal is to help the church become more aware of what believers are enduring in the world. You can help us and time is of the essence. All you have to do is speak up to your peers and be available. Unfortunately, the church in many cases has a turned a deaf ear to this cause. I admit it, I love my comfort zone too, but we can’t remain silent. We must help alert the church.

Here’s what we would like for you to do. I was able to secure 100 copies of one of the best books ever written on the persecuted church, “When Faith Is Forbidden,” by acclaimed author and radio host with Voice of the Martyrs, Todd Nettleton. It is already a best seller and a $20 value. I recently offered them free to a small local church I am very familiar with and they will distribute them to every member who wants a copy.

Would you be willing to do that in your church?

Here’s what you can do. Talk to your pastor. If he agrees to distribute them, I will supply you with a sizeable amount that you can give away absolutely free. What a way to tell the story of the plight of the rest of the church. In the meantime, let me encourage you to go to Voice of the Martyrs website and request a copy of the book for yourself or text me and we’ll get you a free copy.

So please join us today, dear saints, wherever you are. We can do it. Let us know if you will join our efforts and we’ll get you the resources you need at no cost, if you will help us distribute them. Love to you all.

Please email me (dokimbro@aol.com) and we’ll send you what you need! Thank you so much. — Maranatha!

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