House Jan. 6 Panel Made Criminal Referrals Against Trump. Here’s What It Means: Americas Political War Will Continue


At times like this in America, I listen to Johnny Cash sing, “Ragged Old Flag.” Will we survive this POLITICAL WAR?

Dr. Jim Denison wrote this today at FGGAM:

As often happens with political news, what you thought before you read the story likely determines what you think after you read the story.

In this case, Mr. Trump’s supporters will point to the fact that the committee was composed of seven Democrats and two anti-Trump Republicans. In their view, this is just another example of partisan witch-hunting at its worst. Mr. Trump’s detractors will counter that the committee’s findings deserve attention regardless of the political affiliations of its members and claim that his actions on January 6 threatened the future of our democracy.

I saw a clip on this mess on TV yesterday afternoon and the commentator said, “The political war will continue in America.” YES IT WILL. We are a divided nation, with no end in sight. Two-thirds of respondents in a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll say the country has gotten off on the wrong track, and they express little confidence in either political party or any branch of government to effectively address the challenges they see ahead.


The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol ended its final public meeting on Monday with a recommendation that the Justice Department pursue charges against former President Donald Trump.

Lawmakers recommended charges on four counts stemming from Trump’s effort to stay in power after losing the 2020 election — obstruction of an official proceeding, conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to make a false statement and efforts to incite, assist, or aid or comfort an insurrection. More Here

The Christian Post Reports:

The leader of a prominent Christian conservative organization is predicting that faith-based voters will flock to a “fresh candidate” in the 2024 presidential election as former President Donald Trump and other candidates begin to make their pitches as to why voters should select them as the nominee to take on President Joe Biden.

Although the midterm elections were a little more than a month ago, political observers have already begun to focus on the 2024 presidential election. More Here

“We have forgotten God …” Lincoln, “The awful calamity … may be but a punishment … for our presumptuous sins”

America refuses to be grounded in JESUS! JESUS is always the answer. Only 6% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview, America is a long ways from being a Biblical model. Only 6% of Americans have a ‘biblical worldview,’ research from George Barna finds


Americans are braced for an unhappy new year.

Two-thirds of respondents in a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll say the country has gotten off on the wrong track, and they express little confidence in either political party or any branch of government to effectively address the challenges they see ahead.

Their priority for President Joe Biden and the new Congress in 2023 is clear: inflation and the economy, chosen as the No. 1 or No. 2 issue by 54% of those surveyed. That’s double the number for any other issue. More Here

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:
just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.
John 13:34-35


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