Has Trump ‘Gone Off His Rocker?’


I first have to say this morning, that Trump has ‘gone off his rocker’ as we would say in the day. The man has more baggage that Southwest Airlines. His huge ego has been hurt badly and now he turns to super hero trading cards to save his hide???!!!???  I am so embarrassed that the man was ever elected President. Trump has stooped to a new low. I lost friends over not supporting Trump. I mourn of those friends that I lost. I vetted him Trump the Bible. I stand on God’s Word. We should never compromise the WORD OF GOD. Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.Many Christians were fooled by this man, many pastors even drank the Trump Kool-Aid. Pastors must be careful when it comes to supporting a candidate., it can and did chase many away from the church. Selling cards??? like baseball cards??? Super hero cards??? Trump calls himself the greatest President ever. Trump does not hold a candle to Washington, Lincoln and Reagan and others. Does he think we are all dumb? The man is full of hate and lies. Trump has one of the biggest egos ever! Do you know what EGO stands for? Edging Out God! That is what Trump has done with his life, more of himself than God. I call it like the LORD shows me. The DEMS are in hell and the GOP is getting so very close. The GOP better clean up its act. They has more than its share of people who are ‘off their rocker.’ Oh my that Marjorie Taylor Green needs to be removed from the GOP! Green is also off her rocker! I have my full list if you want it. They are no longer even close to the party of Lincoln and Reagan. America needs a COME TO JESUS MEETING!!

Former US President Donald Trump launches $99 NFT collection

Trump trading cards

Franklin Graham decried the current state of political “hatred” gripping the nation, calling it “disturbing” and pleading with the American people to turn to God to heal associated wounds. FAITHWIRE REPORTS

Nearly two-thirds of conservative voters don’t want GOP to nominate Trump in 2024

Franklin Graham Declines To Endorse Trump, Hopes Pence’s ‘Role in Serving This Nation Is Not Finished’


We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament are the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God.
God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life.
We believe there is only one God, and He has chosen to reveal Himself
as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
– FGGAM is a nondenominational, nonpartisan, Independent ministry –



  1. President Trump’s leadership and policies, despite “mean tweets”, were just what was needed during most of his presidency. A non-emotional look at the condition of, and respect for, our country and its foreign, domestic and energy policies prior to the current administration bears this out. That said, the unending personal and political attacks and lack of support by his own staff, let alone the political left, has taken a serious toll on the man who saw beyond establishment-consumed GOP goals and had been lauded by both left and right before he entered politics. He now seems to be unable to separate his hurt from his politics. His continued and constant name calling is below someone who was the POTUS and I sense that this man, who once had pastors praying for him at the White House, has been overtaken by his hurt. This hurt seems to have manifested as an incredible amount of pride manifesting as anger and a loss of perspective. I feel that, as a country, we lost an opportunity at our own hands. I wish it were not so, but I agree he is damaged. God will judge his heart, not us. God will also judge us, so I am so very thankful for the blood of Jesus. It would have been nice if things had turned out differently.

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