God Says, “Thou Shall Not Murder,” Biden Hosts ‘Restore Roe’ Rally, New Mexico Dem and GOP Candidates For Governor Support Abortion

Pastor Steve Idleman:
Regardless of political affiliation, God supports the humble but resists the proud (cf. James 4:6). The answer to our national crisis is very simple, but it won’t be easy: Both the Left and the Right must get right with God.

Moral and societal issues are worsening across the United States because Christians are becoming more “cultural” than “biblical,” and the country is facing God’s judgment as a result, according to pastor and bestselling author Tony Evans.

“We’ve been more cultural Christians than biblical Christians,” Evans, the senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas, told The Christian Post in a sit-down interview.

“Our identity is to be rooted in the Imago Dei, in the image of God. But we’ve gotten so ingrained in the thinking of the culture, that we wind up being parakeets to what the society is saying, rather than taking a solid, loving but clear stance on what God is saying,” he continued.

The 72-year-old founder and president of The Urban Alternative is the author of over 125 books, booklets and Bible studies. The first African American to earn a doctorate in theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he recently released an updated version of his 2015 book, Oneness Embraced: A Kingdom Approach to Race, Reconciliation, and Justice.

Bible reference – Exodus 20:13: “You shall not murder.”

Explanation: This is the shortest of all the commandments, having one less word than the eighth commandment. (Note: according to the King James Version.) God forbids murder, the unlawful taking of human life in private vengeance or otherwise.

Do you know that there are many thousands who have broken this commandment living at large in this country. And judging from past records, many thousands who will die at the hands of others. Do you beleive in God? Do you beleive in the Word of God?

I am a minority, only 37% of Pastors in America have a Biblical Worldview. That is from Barna Research. I stand with God Almighty, not politics. Study finds 37% of pastors have biblical worldview: Spiritual awakening ‘needed in our pulpits’

According to Pew Research, over the last three decades, many Americans have left Christianity to become part of the growing group of adults who identify as atheist, agnostic, or “nothing in particular.” This trend is changing religion in the U.S. and creating an unknown future for religion in America.

One Pew Research projection shows what would happen if in each new generation 31% of people raised in Christian homes became religiously unaffiliated by the age of 30. In this scenario, by 2070, only 46% of Americans would identify as Christian, making it no longer a majority.

I woke up so very happy this morning and I am hanging onto that happiness as best as I can with knowing America is all messed up. You have all these politicians, Dems and Republicans trying to define life. Here in New Mexico the GOP candidate Mark Ronchetti is for abortion up to 15 weeks, from his website: “Mark believes permitting abortion up to 15 weeks.” You still have time to change your mind Mr. Ronchetti and stand with God and His babies. The Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham supports abortion all the way and wants to build a 10 million tax payer abortion clinic in Las Cruces. They both are playing like they are God and telling God what life is. The Libertarian candidate Karen Bedione states she is pro life all the way, life takes place at conception. Many GOP folks are screaming  that a vote for Bedonie is a vote for Governor Michele Lujan Grisham. Whose fault is that? Mrs. Bedione has turned the political affairs in New Mexico upside down, maybe that’s what is needed??!! The GOP did not put up a Pro-life candidate. I got a text from a friend saying, Dewey, “We must vote for Ronchetti because Lujan Grisham is for abortion all the way and wants to build that 10 million dollar abortion clinic in Las Cruces.” Nobody tells me how to vote! GOD DOES! This is a test for Christians. I will not have the blood of God’s precious babies on my hands. I am praying to God who to vote for. I am not supporting any of the candidates or any political party. God determines life, not man. I am sick and tired of politicians telling me when life begins. All this mess comes when people leave God and define everything with the natural mind and not the mind of a Christian. Let me put it this way, God will have His way with New Mexico and all of America.

This is a time for many Pastors to speak up……I hear crickets……..the pulpit is silent in many Churches here in New Mexico and all over America about the killing of God’s babies. This is a down right shame. I would dread facing God if I was not standing up for Him and His precious babies.

My aim to to serve God and not man. My aim is not to be popular in this godless world. I am who I am.

We have a President who celebrates the killing of God’s babies. He thinks he is above God.

President Biden stated: Here’s a promise I make to you and the American people. The first bill that I send to the Congress will be to codify Roe v. Wade and when Congress passes it, I’ll sign it in January,” Biden said. “If Republicans get their way with a national ban, it won’t matter where you live in America. So let me be very clear. If such a bill were to pass in the next several years, I’ll veto it.” More Here


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