From In Touch Ministries:

The Bible warns about the peril of an unbelieving heart. Israel plunged into unbelief with frightful regularity. It’s amazing how quickly they forgot the miraculous marvels by which God delivered them from slavery. An evil heart of unbelief will readily overlook the promises of milk and honey in favor of the leeks and onions of Egypt (Numbers 11:5).

We need to realize that unbelief is a poisonous root of all kinds of evil. It’s a blasphemy that strikes at the very character of God, accusing Him of being untrue, unfaithful, and unreliable. This hideous cancer gnaws at the spiritual health of churches, and God warns us that those with unbelieving hearts are in danger of falling away.

That’s why we’re told to encourage one another day by day. We need each other to come alongside in times of doubt to persuade us to stay in the Word, keep our focus on Christ, and hold fast to our faith throughout life.  A growing, intimate relationship with the Lord will keep our hearts tender and receptive to Him. Then we’ll have assurance that our salvation is genuine so we can enter the rest He’s prepared for His followers.

Actively choosing to trust God every day allows us to enjoy His rest

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