20 Truths About the Strength of Small Churches


The picture I have used is the First Baptist Church in Glenwood, New Mexico! It is on the Mesa outside of Glenwood. SO BEAUTFUL!!!

I am so super blessed that over the last 14 years, even before FGGAM was established, to preach in my favorite places! SMALL CHURCHES!  I started out as Pastor Jim Montoya’s associate Pastor at the Church of God in Los Lunas, New Mexico. I was trained up by many excellent Pastors! I must add that the definition of a small Church is now I guess, 150 and below. Read Ed Stetzer message below for more information. I will be preaching this Sunday at Amistad Church in Albuquerque and the first Sunday in October at the Baptist Church in Glenwood! I love filling the pulpit for Pastors when the need arises. I love meeting new people! I also am blessed to help families in their need at the time of the passing of a loved one. This coming Saturday I have been asked to officiate the memorial service for a lovely woman. This past Sunday I officiated the wedding of two precious souls here in Albuquerque, Mr. and Mrs. Julian and Alyssa Padilla. I love young people! I love weddings!

If your Church needs a fill-in Pastor, or guest speaker, if your family needs a pastor for a wedding, baptism, or if you have a loved one that has passed away, I would be blessed to do the service if I can. I will also add, that I have done many revivals, all over America, I has that blessing when I was able to me a team member with Time to Revive out of Dallas. We sure do need revival in America. I also love doing public speaking. I have done that many times in my 66 years. One of my favorite experiences is being asked to speak to a gradating class of prison guards in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Sharon and I have so many GOD stories from our recent GREAT COMMISSION trip to Wyoming and parts of Montana and South Dakota. I would love to share them with your group. The Lord is already showing us our next trip!!!!!!!!!! PTL!!!!!

We have learned so much about GOD and people through all of experiences.

Please email me from this website. FYI, my email is pastordewey@fggam.org

Dr. Jim Denison posted this today:

Oswald Chambers noted, “The secret of the missionary is—I am his, and he is carrying out his enterprises through me.” He then added: “Be entirely his.”

Are you “entirely his” yet today?

From Ed Stetzer in CHURCHLEADERS:

My friend Ron Klassen leads a key ministry to rural North America, the Rural Home Missionary Association. As you may know, we host the Rural Matters Institute at the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center. We’ve partnered together on a few things, and I had the privilege of speaking at their annual meeting a few years ago. So, I was glad to endorse his new book, “Maximize: Leveraging the Strengths of Your Small Church.”

Here is Ed Stetzer’s endorsement: 20 Truths About the Strength of Small Churches


We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament are the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God.
God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life.
We believe there is only one God, and He has chosen to reveal Himself
as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
– FGGAM is a non-denominational, nonpartisan, Independent ministry –

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