I’M TIRED LORD! ‘Horrifying’: Texas Lawmaker Proposes Bill to Protect Children from ‘Disturbing’ Drag Queen Shows


I am getting very tired…..Oh God help me as we report the news from your perspective. I am tired. Not many are reporting the news from a Biblical Worldview anymore, not even a lot of pastors!!!! I never thought I would live in a time when only 6%of Americans have a Biblical Worldview. I have been praying for years that missionaries would come here and set many pastors and congregants straight. Now it is happening, as over 200 South Korean Christians came to pray for a GREAT AWAKENING in our country. Much of the Church in America is lost. I have heard from more than a few pastors that are so frustrated with their denomination.

Denominations are a ‘man thing’

‘Horrifying’: Texas Lawmaker Proposes Bill to Protect Children from ‘Disturbing’ Drag Queen Shows

The Church in America is failing to carry out The Great Commission. Generation after generation is growing up without JESUS! That is one of the main reasons for the decline in Church attendance. It’s the Churches own fault. How many baptisims has your church officiated in the last 2 years? How many new members?

From June 4th:

I have been saying for years, Christians in America need help! I have had PASTORS tell me we need missionaries to come here and minister to us. LOOK WHAT IS HAPPENING!!! God has sent 240 Korean Christians to awaken America! PRAYERS ANSWERED! Over the years I have met many folks from South Korea, and they know JESUS! They know the love and accountability of JESUS! Many in America do not! We are a mess. We are at war with each other! Can America be saved? Only 6% of Americans hold a Biblical Worldview, George Barna research. What happened Church? God will hold us all accountable! I have asked too many pastors to join me in revival and they turn the other way. What are they afraid of? The world? TRUE REVIVAL IS NOT HAPPENING HERE IN AMERICA!!! America got to big for its own britches as much of the Church has…yes that is an old saying…The Church in America has become like the world. Not all, but way too many.

Humble yourself America…..you are failing….

America oh America! What has become of you?

Missionaries Arrive in America! ‘Praying for a Third Great Awakening’: 240 Korean Christians Visit 21 US Cities, Praying for Revival

I am thankful for this love note from Donnas Maas of Mesquite, Texas an FGGAM reader and supporter:

Dewey, your posts are relevant! To see an article about the drought in the west or the overstep of the government in controlling our lives-its news we need to hear about. It is always factual with out opinion or slant. I love to see your post. You are supported by a Godly team and I appreciate their input form a biblical perspective. It teaches how to pray on behalf of the people, the country, the world. Keep doing what you are doing and may God bring you a protege to pass the mantle on to. True biblical views are so needed in our world today. Speak without fear! Confess truths as God has spoken. Your words always lead to the Father as they should. God bless

Thank you Donna, your love note brings me the sweetness of JESUS!

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