Federal Official warns of Colorado River water supply cuts, which irrigates farms, powers electric grids and provides drinking water for 40 million people


Many of you know gardening is one of my hobbies. I try to be a very good steward as to what God has gifted us. I take care of our trees, shrubs, lawn and all of our vegetation. As Sharon says. I have put my Minnesota green thumb to work in the desert. BUT! It is getting very tough to keep our trees, shrubs, flowers healthy in this very severe drought. Tree death in Albuquerque is a huge problem. Trees need  mulch, compost, fertilizer 3 times a year, and deep root watering. The pictures of dead trees are from the Taylor Ranch area in Albuquerque, I see dead or diseased trees all over the city. IF YOU HAVE DEAD TREES CUT THEM DOWN! Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding. Many species of wildlife depend on trees for habitat. Trees provide food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals. HUGE PROBLEM! Gotta have healthy trees!

Reservoir storage levels were below-normal in all Western states except for Washington. The Colorado River irrigates farms, powers electric grids and provides drinking water for 40 million people. Over 90% of the west is in a drought.

I get the feeling many are ignoring this issue of water shortages. We are a spoiled society. Many just expect water to come out of the faucet! The drought continues to take a toll in many ways, water supply cuts, wildfires, ranch land dried to a crisp, and lakes and rivers drying up. I have read reports that here in New Mexico we should have a ‘good monsoon’ season. I pray so, but we are so very, very far behind in our moisture, we are in a a very severe drought.

I also do not know if people really realize the significance of almost 1 million acres of land being burned up in New Mexico this year from wildfires. So many homes lost, so many have to start their lives over due to the Forest Service and their prescribed burns! HORRIBLE! It also horrible that so many trees have been destroyed by the incompetence of the Forest service! President Biden is being ‘very soft’ on his Forest service and department heads on this horrible tragedy. Heads should roll! BRING BACK THE TIMBER INDUSTRY! CLEAN UP THE FORESTS! The damage bring done to our environment is horrible. I also think of all the wildlife that has been destroyed or displaced.

Remember the fire in Los Alamos, NM in 2000? That was a prescribed burn also! Los Alamos Wildfire of 2000

Fires still rage in New Mexico at this time!

HORRIBLE! Man arrested in connection with 20,000 acre Arizona fire admitted to burning toilet paper

U.S. Drought Monitor

‘Moment of reckoning:’ Federal official warns of Colorado River water supply cuts

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