Heartbreak in New Mexico Continues: More Homes Destroyed By Fire, The Future Looks Bleak, Over a Half Million Acres Lost


Here is your report card New Mexico, this is what God has been showing me……

I love New Mexico, I have lived here longer than my beloved hometown, but I hate what it has turned into!

An old-timer told me, “I would not know rain if I saw it.”

Yep, that is just part of the story here in New Mexico, we are in a drought, most importantly in a Spiritual Drought! Much of the Church in New Mexico loves their high school pep rally’s, but it seldom gets to the point of our great sins and the need for change in our hearts, and the need for repentance. Hindrances to Prayer. The Church needs to raise up MATURE CHRISTIANS!!! MATURE PEOPLE OF GOD!!! NOT MORE POLITICS!!! SPIRITUAL DROUGHT, THOUGH A PERSISTENT AND UNWELCOME VISITOR, IS NOT SOMETHING WITH WHICH WE MUST CONSTANTLY LIVE. THERE ARE BIBLICAL MEANS BY WHICH WE CAN, BY GRACE, PUT OURSELVES IN THE WAY OF REFRESHMENT We kill God’s babies through abortion and expect to be blessed! We have a huge amount of child abuse in our state, we have children killing children with guns, I know, and we have child hunger here, oh yes! According to Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller we have 3,000 homeless children attending  Albuquerque Public Schools!…….and we expect God to bless us? Our children are growing up in a very violent state and ungodly state. 6 in 10 New Mexicans Would Leave…….

My heartbreaks of all the devastation here in New Mexico. To think the largest fire ever in the state, the Calf Canyon/Hermits Peak fire was started by a prescribed burn on a windy day, just makes me ill. More than 310,000 acres have burned. The Black Fire has burned over 105,000 acres. The Bear Trap Fire has burned nearly 80,000 acres. These figures have gone up, as the fires are still raging. You do the math, my heart breaks, all that land destroyed. This does not include all of the wildfires this year in New Mexico, the Valencia County Fire and Ruidoso Fire. Heads should roll from the Calf Canyon/Hermits Peak fire, people need to be held accountable to one of the most horrific disasters in the history of New Mexico. THIS IS LOS ALAMOS ALL OVER AGAIN! When will the Forest Service be held accountable!!!??? Los Alamos Fire of 2000. I have seen no ‘fire’ from the Governor in demanding accountability! Some will never recover from this disaster, some have lost everything. This is a life changing disaster. My friend Pastor Dave Schumm from Glenwood, NM told me yesterday, “Losing all the trees, our forests, puts us in very bad shape, we need our trees, they create clouds and clean the air.” Planting Trees Encourages Cloud Formation—and Efficiently Cools the Planet. A new study shows that reforestation does more than shield the Earth with green leaves—it produces clouds that also protect the planet from the sun’s rays. Trees are much better at creating clouds and cooling the climate than we thought.

Governor Lujan Grisham is not doing enough for our state in so very many ways! What about water? I beleive the Governors mission is to give away money to everything that moves, to get reelected. I see her 15 second TV ads bragging about all the money she is handing out. How many New Mexicans will dig deep on the issues facing our state. I am hearing so many people talk about moving out of state. The future here does not look good at all. If the GOP cannot win the governors seat this year, it makes a huge statement on how many New Mexicans think. I am very disturbed that New Mexico continues to kill God’s babies through abortion, child abuse, child murder, children killing children with guns. Do you not see how bad you are New Mexico? You have become so very ungodly!


More evacuations ordered as Calf Canyon/Hermits Peak Fire continues to spread

Drought Behavior Differs Depending on Where You Live, Says New Study

New Mexico Fire Info

NM Drought Monitor


From Dr. Jim Denson this morning: Wisdom from A. W. Tozer

I fear that our culture’s continued slide into unbiblical immorality has conditioned many of us to sidestep personal sanctification. We are tempted to feel we are better than many whose stories we read daily, so we must be good enough. We also live in a compartmentalized culture that separates the spiritual from the secular and religion from the “real world,” so biblical holiness feels more like a Sunday sermon than a Monday requirement.

However, Scripture is clear: “As he who called you is holy, you also must be holy in all your conduct” (1 Peter 1:15, my emphasis). To this end, let’s close with an observation from A. W. Tozer:

“I look back and remember a day when it was common for men and women to come to an altar of prayer and kneel there, shake, tremble, and weep in agony of conviction over their iniquity. We do not see it now because the God we preach is not the everlasting, awful Holy One who cannot look upon iniquity. When we get a vision of the Holy One as he desires to reveal himself, this will come back as a mighty power to change us into his likeness.”

Tozer then quotes this hymn by Charles Wesley:

Lord, incline me to repent;
Let me now my fall lament,
Deeply my revolt deplore,
Weep, believe, and sin no more.

Hydrogen still a political pipe dream for MLG
New Mexico GOP Leader Jim Townsend
Recent reports have been written about how the Hydrogen Hub bill died in the 30-day session. The truth is – it should have died, it wasn’t ready for prime time. How could legislators pass an energy plan that used a less efficient, more expensive fuel to produce electricity, which would then increase utility costs to homeowners with no measurable environmental benefit?
Even worse, this half-baked plan didn’t even use New Mexico natural gas as the feedstock.
Progressive Democrats rejected the plan even though the governor and the chairwoman of House Appropriations and Finance Committee expended a tremendous amount of political effort on it. Increased electrical costs, transformation from hydrogen to ammonia and inherent safety concerns were significant questions that were not answered.
We are now witnessing the fallout of the Hydrogen Bill’s defeat in the 2022 campaign cycle. It was recently reported that the chairwoman of House Appropriations is helping fund several “moderate” Democrat candidates who are running against incumbent progressive Democrats. Some think the chairwoman is just being vindictive against Democrats who voted against the hydrogen bill.
On the surface it might be seen as retaliation, but the reality may be that she is sending a message to progressive legislators – their anti-fossil fuel agenda has gone too far and it’s hurting New Mexico’s economic future. It certainly damaged her district.
Two years ago, New Mexico progressives ushered in a bill known as the Energy Transition Act (ETA). Passage of this bill threw our traditional energy production industries out the window. It literally cost hundreds of high paying jobs in the chairwoman’s district by closing the Escalante Power Plant. The ETA has also caused PNM to notify Albuquerque customers of potential brown out and blacks this summer, while PNM customers are being asked to pay for over $300M for the early closure of San Juan Generating Station.
The ETA is bad for PNM customers and Chairwoman Lundstrom’s constituents. This is just another example of a special interest law being forced through by Democrat progressives without careful vetting. Elections do have consequences.
The chairwoman voted against the ETA because she understood the impact to utility rates in the future, it would be devastating to her community and put hundreds of hard-working New Mexicans out of work. Progressives, including Speaker Egolf and Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham ignored this reality and moved forward anyway.
Another moonshot, or just a shot in the dark?
The Hydrogen Hub bill was the chairwoman’s last-ditch effort to create badly needed jobs in her district. Her attempt might have created a few jobs but it would have wouldn’t have cured the damage that the ETA has wreaked in our State.
New Mexicans are in for a rude awakening when the ETA starts shutting down power plants in northwest New Mexico, forcing all of us to depend on merchant dealers for our electricity. That’s what the hydrogen plant would have been, a merchant plant, with drastically higher costs to the consumer.
The fact Hydrogen production uses methane gas is unacceptable for our environmental groups and their progressive allies in the legislature. While you and I are forced to pay higher utility bills in the coming years, our state will also experience rolling black-outs, with thousands of New Mexicans being put out of work.
This is the price progressives believe you are willing to pay even though there are better more economical alternatives.
As for the chairwoman getting rid of some of those progressive members in the Legislature who put her community in such a dire predicament, it would be a small victory in an otherwise very unfortunate and ugly battle.
Jim Townsend is the N.M. House Minority Leader and the Rep. for District 54 covering Eddy, Chaves, and Otero Counties. He may be reached at townsend@pvtn.

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