Feds Must Shape Up and Pay Up! Prescribed burns have caused some of the largest fires in New Mexico


For sure! The Feds must shape up and pay up!

KOAT TV REPORTS: Prescribed burns have caused some of the largest fires in New Mexico

New Mexico House Republican Leadership calls for immediate joint-state and federal investigation into destructive Hermits Peak Fire

The Hermits Peak Fire is apparently under investigation by the federal government, and House Republicans are calling for the State of New Mexico to immediately conduct its own investigation to ensure transparency for New Mexicans. This letter follows an April 27th statement from House GOP Leader Townsend blasting the Governor and the US Forest Service for reckless disregard of safety.


Santa Fe – Today House Republican Leadership issued a letter to Governor Lujan Grisham calling for an immediate investigation, to be conducted within New Mexico state government agencies, that would parallel an apparent federal investigation into the Forest Service’s controlled burns, specifically the Hermits Peak Fire.

The NM House Republican letter, signed by House Republican Leader Jim Townsend (Artesia), House Republican Whip Rod Montoya (Farmington), and House Republican Caucus Chair Rebecca Dow (T or C), follows weeks of backlash and upset from New Mexicans concerning the reckless disregard for safety in conducting the controlled burn that caused the nation’s largest wildfire.

From the letter: “It is our sincerest belief that the people of northern New Mexico deserve an impartial and detailed investigation conducted by parties other than those employed by the federal government. Such an investigation was quickly initiated regarding the prescribed burn that resulted in the Cerro Grande Fire in 2000 and the people of northern New Mexico currently being affected by these destructive fires deserve the same response by state and federal officials.”

The above photo is From Scott Flury’s Facebook page, Scott is owner/editor of the Chama Times. A grass fire broke out in Chama yesterday, but the Chama Fire Department put it our quickly! PTL! Our heroes!

I have not seen a minus dew point reading as long as I can remember! -15 dew point yesterday afternoon in Albuquerque. At 5:35am today it is -2. ACCU WEATHER REPORTS. The land is so dry, it is so very crisp, it falls apart in your hand. God is withholding the rain from us.  I believe God is angry, and His wrath is simmering. We are in for a tough road here in New Mexico and also in Arizona and California. U.S. Drought Monitor. I pray for the safety of all every moment of my day. The Southwest is on fire with iconic deserts and towns at risk – 3 reasons the 2022 fire season is so early and intense It saddens me so much what I am seeing, homes gone, land burned to a crisp, firefighters risking their lives everyday for us. This is now the normal for us here in New Mexico, it will just get worse, unless God brings His rains to us.  NM FIRE INFO. We must change our ways folks. We must repent. We have not taken care of God’s land. We need to clean up our forests. We are a mess as a people. Americans seem more involved with politics than God and His ways. God calls us to take care of His creation, including His babies of course, But we as a people, fail in that.

I pray we take care of  our forests like America did for several years, I also would bring back the timber industry in New Mexico. Keep our forests clean! Revisit the forest service’s use of ‘prescribed burns’ for heavens sake! It has been a prescription for disaster in New Mexico!

God shows me everyday the wrongs of people in this world. He shows gives me visions of what is good and bad. I am not crazy religious person, I am sharing my heart with you. I am crazy for my JESUS! I hate politics, it is destroying America. My prayer is that people seek the face of JESUS and hear Him and go about their life with JESUS! God is angry with us! Most Americans are not following the ways of God. Just 6% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview, no wonder things are going to hell. After all God has done for us, America kicks God to the curb! Hell to pay for that!

Yesterday their were fires in Chama, Questa and in Albuquerque, in the Bosque, that were quickly extinguished by our heroes.

We have not been good stewards for God in many ways.

BUT here is the wildfire report this morning:

Angel Fire, New Mexico Threatened By Wildfire

Santa Rosa Fire


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