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NM Dept of Health Celebrates Public Health Week As New Mexicans Flock to Pot Shops! Crazy!!!



The Menu of EVIL continues to grow in New Mexico, the Land of Enchantment or really the Land of Entrapment.

I just saw this report on KOB TV: Elementary students accidentally eat marijuana candy at school

The governor and her team should be held accountable………this is just the start of more BAD THINGS FOR THE STATE! Many people in New Mexico are blinded by Satan. They do not see that making pot legal adds to the destruction of life in New Mexico. New Mexico already kills God’s babies through abortions, it now makes booze more available by home delivery, drug addiction is already a problem here. New Mexico is an anti-life state, it just keeps electing anti-GOD politicians.

FGGAM Shares a Biblical Worldview Everyday:

“The Biblical worldview says there is a God—One who is personal, powerful and caring—who created the world and everything in it. It states unequivocally that man is created in God’s image, living in essence as God’s co-regent over creation. Mankind—born and unborn, rich and poor, able and disabled—has intrinsic worth. Almighty God is a sovereign God, ruler over nations, states, empires, and governments. He is to be worshiped and obeyed through the precepts and principles revealed in His infallible Word. He not only exists, but He is sovereign over all of history according to His wisdom and purposes, and He is intimately involved in every aspect of life.”

The evil keeps coming here in New Mexico…..

This stuff just makes my head spin! The Governor and her gang legalized recreational pot and now they ask us all to celebrate National Public Health Week! It just gets crazier folks! They talk out of both sides of their mouths, practice good health, but smoke pot, a mind altering drug, my medical friends say pot is so very bad for your health. Sadly will will be reading about Pot heads causing car accidents one of these days, sooner than later, I am afraid. How Pot Affects Your Mind and Body

I already had a friend here in New Mexico say that children were bringing pot gummies to school. I have no reason not to beleive my friend. Edible Marijuana Dangers: How Parents Can Prevent THC Poisoning

Kids’ Poisonings Rise as More Parents Bring Pot Edibles Home

Mother works to draw awareness about ‘pot poisoning’ in children

The Dems in New Mexico are harming our children, our future. Abortions in New Mexico continue. Who will stop this evil?

Crime is going to increase.

In New Mexico about $672,000 was generated in tax revenue from recreational marijuana sales during opening weekend

Don’t forget, New Mexico also now has home deliver of booze! What Are the Effects of Alcohol on the Body? The state loves to feed addictions, and it still celebrates National Public Health Week!

April 4, 2022
Department of Health Celebrates National Public Health Week
New Mexicans Urged to Learn More About Public Health Clinics and Services
SANTA FE – National Public Health Week is April 4-10. The theme for this year’s campaign is “Public Health is Where You Are.” It is a reminder that where people live – physically, socially, emotionally, can have an effect on their overall health.
“Public health promotes health for individuals in the community they live in,” said David R. Scrase, M.D. Acting Department of Health Secretary. “It emphasizes the prevention of disease and other risk factors that can impact an individual, a family and a community. The New Mexico Department of Health (DOH) together with our partners throughout the state works to promote health and well-being and improve health outcomes for all people in New Mexico.”
The New Mexico DOH has more than 50 public health offices located throughout the state and provides services such as family planning, immunizations (available for children through age 18 and limited for adults), and vital records (birth and death certificates).
“New Mexicans need to know that there are public health resources available to support them throughout our state,” said Jeff Lara, Acting Public Health Division Director. “DOH works diligently to provide residents with the tools and information they need to make informed choices to lead healthier lives and build stronger communities. This is the core value of public health.” Here are some of the additional ways New Mexico’s local public health offices work to keep residents healthy from the start:
  • Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is the special supplemental nutrition assistance program that identifies health and nutritional risks for mothers and their children. Enrolled parents and guardians get nutrition education and receive monthly food benefits for high nutrient foods.
  • Children’s Medical Services (CMS) coordinates medical care for eligible children and youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) ages 0-21 . It also manages the Newborn Genetic Screening Program and the Newborn Hearing Screening Program.
  • The Preventive Medicine Clinics at local public health offices provide testing/treatment for tuberculosis and sexually transmitted infections, and breast and cervical cancer screening in addition to family planning services and immunizations;
  • Disease Prevention concentrates on the prevention and control of infectious diseases with outreach, surveillance, outbreak response, testing/treatment, contact follow-up, and referrals for sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and more. The team provides harm reduction counseling, facilitates needle exchange/disposal to reduce disease transmission, and Narcan training/dispensing for opiate overdose prevention.
  • NMDOH’s Health Promotion Teams work statewide with community groups, coalitions and councils to support initiatives related to healthy lifestyles and environments, health policies and local projects.
There are many other public health services provided by DOH. Learn all about them by visiting
Jodi McGinnis-Porter, Communications Director |
The Department of Health works to promote health and wellness, improve health outcomes, and deliver services to all New Mexicans. As New Mexico’s largest state agency, DOH offers public health services in all 33 counties and collaborates with 23 Native American tribes, Pueblos and nations.
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