My Daddy used to say to us kids, “Clean up your own backyard before you try cleaning up someone else’s.” Meaning, live a life of purity! YOU SURE DO NOT HEAR MUCH ABOUT PURITY ANYMORE!!!!!!!!! My Mom and Dad where full of godly wisdom. Our families Christian heritage goes back into the 1800’s. Sharon and I are so blessed by that history! Unlike most children in America, many do not get the opportunity to live in a Christian home become Christian homes are a minority now in our country, like it or not!

It rubs me the wrong way when politicians get up and trash their opponents when they are living an ungodly life, many Dems and Republicans fall into this category. A bunch of those folks need to be committed to the ‘nut house,’ My goodness, here in America trash talking is at a all-time high, and JESUS talking is at an all-time low. Only 6% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview, Barna Research,  and many wonder why we are going to hell as a country. So many adults are such poor examples for our children. How about you?

Several years ago my mentor Pastor Don Kimbro, who also writes for God here at FGGAM, gave me the book “The Leadership Secrets of Bill Graham” Please get it and read it, and apply it to your life!


Leading Well Starts With Your Own Life

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