FGGAM Shares a Biblical Worldview Everyday:
“The Biblical worldview says there is a God—One who is personal, powerful and caring—who created the world and everything in it. It states unequivocally that man is created in God’s image, living in essence as God’s co-regent over creation. Mankind—born and unborn, rich and poor, able and disabled—has intrinsic worth. Almighty God is a sovereign God, ruler over nations, states, empires, and governments. He is to be worshiped and obeyed through the precepts and principles revealed in His infallible Word. He not only exists, but He is sovereign over all of history according to His wisdom and purposes, and He is intimately involved in every aspect of life.”
How a young Christian killed in Ukraine “still speaks” to our future
People walk under a destroyed bridge while fleeing Irpin, on the outskirts of Kyiv, Ukraine, Tuesday, March 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda)
Anatoly was a twenty-six-year-old member of Irpin Bible Church, northwest of Kyiv, Ukraine. Note that he “was.”
An IT professional in a local company, he also served in his church’s media ministry. When the Russian invasion began on February 24, Anatoly evacuated his wife and other family members to safety. Then he courageously returned last Friday to join his church’s skeleton crew.
As a young mother and her two children fled Russian shelling, Anatoly volunteered to carry her suitcase across Irpin’s collapsed bridge. All four died when a Russian bombshell landed in the middle of their would-be humanitarian corridor.
As with Abel of old, “through his faith, though he died, he still speaks” (Hebrews 11:4).
What is he saying to us?
Boy dropped from burning apartment building
Anatoly is just one of the hundreds if not thousands of Ukrainians killed so far in Vladimir Putin’s illegal and immoral invasion of their country. Why, then, did I want to tell his story this morning? Why did you choose to read it?
Here’s some good news: A three-year-old boy was dropped from the window of a burning apartment building in New Jersey Monday morning and caught by first responders. And some tragic news: a New Jersey man was swept out to sea while swimming off a beach in Hawaii last Saturday. And some more tragic news: an eleven-year-old girl died after falling under a moving school bus in Colorado last Thursday.
How did these stories make you feel?
I told each of them to make the same point: there is something in us that rejoices with those who rejoice and weeps with those who weep (Romans 12:15). This is part of our identity as beings made in the image of a God (Genesis 1:27) who loves each of us as if there were only one of us (St. Augustine). Each person is therefore someone of infinite worth to our Creator, not a means to the ends of a nation or its rulers.
This fact is vital to understanding the larger significance of the war in Ukraine for America’s future and American Christians today.
The future of our cultural freedom
US intelligence officials testified at a congressional hearing Tuesday that Putin is likely to escalate the conflict in Ukraine with no concern for civilian casualties, viewing his invasion as a “war he cannot afford to lose.”
Yesterday, we began discussing the fact that Russia’s invasion represents a “new Cold War” pitting the autocratic regimes of Russia and China against the individual freedom ethic espoused by Democratic nations of the West. Putin’s invasion is just one example of the degree to which he sees democracy as impeding his tsarist vision for Russia.
In response, I noted that America’s founders clearly linked freedom with morality and morality with religion.
They were right.
As the Bible notes, we are all “pinched off from a piece of clay” (Job 33:6). As a result, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). It is therefore crucial that Christians embody and share with others the good news of God’s transforming grace (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Said bluntly, the future of our cultural freedom depends on the degree to which we embrace our spiritual freedom in Christ (cf. Galatians 5:1; John 8:31–32). In a day when American society is more opposed to Christian truth and morality than ever before, this fact is more crucial than ever before.
What percent of Americans elected our president?
The more secular our democracy becomes, the weaker our democracy becomes.
Princeton University scholar Allen C. Guelzo, in reviewing political scientist Jan-Werner Müller’s book Democracy Rules, cites Müller’s argument that “democracy has a deep philosophical affinity with relativism.” This is because our democracy rests on the two pillars of freedom (of speech, assembly, and association) and equality (of all citizens as equal political participants).
As a result, we make decisions based on popular voting, not objective truths, and trust that a free media will hold our leaders and institutions accountable.
But what happens when fewer and fewer of us participate in our democracy? (Kevin D. Williamson notes that Joe Biden was elected president by only 24.6 percent of all Americans.)
What happens when the Americans who do vote are increasingly uninformed about the issues we face? And what happens when the people and the media they trust increasingly insist on tolerance over truth and seek personal and partisan advancement over the common good?
In The Republic, Plato warned that democracy is inherently flawed: freedom is supreme, but laws are not obeyed and chaos results. Leaders pander to the wants of the people whose support they require. A few people take advantage and accumulate great wealth. To restore order and put down the rich, the people then vote a tyrant into power and democracy ends.
Is this our future?
A difference that will echo in eternity
The last world war united Americans in defense of freedom and democracy with a sacrificial ethic and resolve of character that enabled us to defeat the greatest enemies our nation had ever faced. I am praying that the “new Cold War” will unite us once again in the same cause and evoke from us the same character.
And I am praying that America’s Christians will lead the way by surrendering daily to Christ as our King (Matthew 6:33; Ephesians 5:18) and then advancing his kingdom through our gracious witness, godly influence, and sacrificial faith (Ephesians 4:15).
In this day of global social media and connectivity, a single courageous Christian like Anatoly can make global headlines and a global impact. As with Isaiah of old, a single committed believer can use his or her influence to make a difference that will echo in eternity.
In answering his Lord’s call, the prophet cried, “Here I am! Send me” (Isaiah 6:8).
What will you say to your Lord today?
Why does Russia want Ukraine?
A timeline of Russian aggression against Ukraine
What does the Bible say about war?
Dr. Denison and Dr. Turman discuss whether this conflict will devolve into World War III, what the Bible says about war, and four encouraging ways to pray for Ukraine.
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Dr. Jim Denison is the CEO of Denison Ministries.
Jim Denison, PhD, is an author, speaker, and the CEO of Denison Ministries, which is transforming 6.8 million lives through meaningful digital content.

Creator, Redeemer, Savior, the Sovereign Ruler of Your Universe of which You graciously grant us to live, I humbly approach Your Throne of Mercy and Grace on behalf of a world that is spinning wildly out of control. You are Lord of all and over all having Power to cause and to end. Oh, the Power of and in Your Creation! The mountains, the plains, the rivers, the seas; oh, the glory of Your hand! Earthquakes cause the mountains to crumble and the seas to boil over the land. Your Sovereignty is a doorway into and over nations in unrest and revolutionary conspiracies. You have access and abilities over famished and displaced people who may be suffering from their government’s unrighteous control or persecution for their faith. You adorned the heavens with stars and set the earth whirling in their midst. You possess the whole thing, have power over all things. Your hand has access to our blood flow and our airways; You bless each mind to think freely and to expand our knowledge of thought. You are able to do all that can be done, and things that appear to us to be absolutely impossible. So I pray a prayer that seems even impossible to my understanding: Grant Peace to a World devoid of Peace!
LORD, our world is filled with fear, anger, and distrust, for we are evil. Halt aggression, abhorrence, and dissonance, soften hearts that hasten to fight and kill. Instill hopefulness to those without hope. Steer all who have positions of influence —give them the fear of God to use their influence wisely and to do what is right. Teach us grace. Show us humility. Show us how to see and admit our wrong thoughts and deeds. Implant in our hearts the desire and ability to seek out forgiveness. Confer upon us the poise to be quick to forgive.
Give us eyes see Your image in the lives of people near and far. Help us to love courageously even when the enemy, the evil one, tries to remind us of risks. Let us show kindness and understanding for those who are not the same as we are, no better and no worse. Teach us to agree to disagree with others, and listen to the heart behind the disagreement that makes us uncomfortable without meanness from our heart position. Mend the hatred around us by using our mended hearts by Your ingenious hands in any way You please. Grant Peace to a World devoid of Peace!
LORD, I believe You are working a plan at this very moment though the world is encased in darkness. You, and only You have the Supremacy to mold something new and lovely within our catastrophic failures at unity. Teach us from the ashes of our struggles; cause us to desire that which is beyond our successes, failures, and abilities. Make us to want Your true and lasting peace. LORD, Grant Peace to a World devoid of Peace by Making Us Peacemakers!
LORD, in the midst of fear, confusion, and aggression; deliver us from indifference. Create in us new and clean hearts, O God, hearts that love deeply. Grant us passion for lasting peace.
Thank You that Your intense love for us has never ended, but rather that love moved You to send Your Son Jesus to redeem us no matter how long we failed, or ran from You. You remain faithful, though we are faithless.
I know and rejoice that soon in heaven we who believe will receive that perfect peace that will be eternal. There, You will wipe away every tear from our eyes, and there will be no more sorrow or pain. However, Precious Father, I have faith to boldly ask with expectancy, that You would bless us with a season of peace and loving kindness now, before the end time events unfold. I beg You for the reviving of Your True Church to catapult the world into a Spiritual Awakening that history is yet to record: Grant Peace to a World devoid of Peace—Your Peace! I Pray On, in Jesus’ name, Amen!
This is a really great article. A must read. The ending paragraphs are so very critical!