The Gentle Boss
Devotion in motion
Morning inspiration

In Matthew 12:20, Jesus makes a statement that affirms He’s the Boss, but far from bossy. Jesus says of Himself, “A bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will not quench.” In short, He’s no tyrant. Jesus is a kind and gentle ruler. The strategy of most earthly kings is to crush their subjects – keep them under foot – “rule with a rod.” This is especially true of Roman emperors and baseball umpires. it never fails, whenever you argue with an ump, you will lose! Umpires like to flex their muscles.
They like to put you in your place – show you that you’re not the boss. They’re quick to remind you they have all the power. Yet to the contrary, Jesus is the one person with all the power, yet He’s never pushy with that power. He finds the bruised reed, and rather than crush it, He props it up, and supports it, and nurses it to health! He finds the dwindling embers… and rather than let them die out, He blows on them and rekindles a blaze. Jesus finds the person who’s down for the count… and rather than bury them, he loves to lift them up. The goal of Jesus is not to keep you in your place.
It’s to help you find a place where you can blossom and be fruitful. He wants to heal your hurts, and elevate your status, and share His glory, and fuel your strength. He is a Lord who blesses – not suppresses. Jesus uses His power not to push us around, but to pick us up. He’s a splint to the bruised reed. He’s a flint to the dwindling fire. The risen Lord Jesus comes to people who are bent over and helps them stand tall. He comes to the burned out and rekindles a passion. Jesus comes and says to us, “I love you just as you are, but I love you too much to let you stay that way.”
Understand that as Lord, Jesus doesn’t make or take suggestions. He’s been around the block a time or two and knows what we need to live a joyous life. He’s been changing lives for centuries, and He’s smarter than we are. He knows how to take your life, and shape you, and free you, and make you better. Our job is to trust and obey. As the old hymn puts it, “Trust and obey for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” Jesus doesn’t need our suggestions.
Our job is to stay in step with His will. Stay yoked and harnessed to Jesus.. don’t spit the bit. Once, a young Dutch soldier was stationed in the jungles of Indonesia. During his tour, he adopted an ape. The monkey became a pet for the entire barracks. After a few weeks though, the soldier noticed that whenever he touched the gibbon around the waist, it winced. It was in pain, Upon closer inspection, the soldier noticed a raised welt encircling its mid-section. He pulled the hair apart and found the problem… As a baby, someone had tied a piece of wire around the gibbon’s waist. As the ape grew up, the wire had cut into his skin and became embedded in his flesh. That night the soldiers laid the monkey on a table and performed an operation.
They shaved the ape around its waist – then slowly cut into his tender flesh. Their efforts were obviously painful for the monkey, but he seemed to understand. He laid there patiently, believing the soldiers were acting in his best interests. When the wire was finally snipped and slid from the gibbon’s skin, the ape jumped up and danced around on his owner’s shoulders. From that moment onward, the soldiers and the monkey were inseparable friends.
Later, the Dutch soldier said the experience marked a turning point in his own life. At the time, he was not a Christian and deeply mired in a sinful lifestyle. You could say, he’d been monkeying around… A chain of guilt was squeezing him and cutting into his happiness. He longed to be free and joyous again. After some serious thought, he surrendered His life to the will of Jesus. The Lord performed heart surgery. He cut into his flesh and Pried out some harmful habits. It was painful, but the operation was necessary, and it released Him from His sin so He could dance again.
Perhaps, you’re longing for a similar release… You also have a band of guilt choking the life out of you. Come to Jesus – lay your life at His feet. Let Him snip the sin, and set you free, and get your feet to dancing. Jesus is the boss, Who is never bossy
Victor Tafoya
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