Republican Party of New Mexico Files Lawsuit Against New Congressional Redistricting Maps

FGGAM received this news  release late yesterday:


Albuquerque, January 21—Today the Republican Party of New Mexico filed a lawsuit in New Mexico’s Fifth Judicial District Court challenging the partisan and illegal gerrymandering of our state in newly approved Congressional redistricting maps. The maps carve up and extend Congressional districts to give Democrats a political advantage in future elections.

The newly approved redistricting maps dilute Republican voting strength.

The lawsuit is being filed by Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber & Schreck of Albuquerque, which is also handling the redistricting suits in Colorado.

RPNM Chairman Steve Pearce released the following statement on the lawsuit:

“Immediately after the 2020 election, Speaker Egolf announced his intention to implement a partisan redistricting of our state to reverse Republican gains. Last month, he followed through on that threat. The Democrat’s cynical attempt to consolidate their power by abusing the redistricting process in New Mexico is illegal and wrong. We are bringing this suit to protect the voices of all New Mexicans regardless of their political beliefs. New Mexico statute provides for a non-partisan commission to listen to the people across the state and then submit redistricting plans to the legislature. The commission held public meetings, many people participated, and maps were submitted from that body to the state legislature. And yet after months of hard work and hundreds of thousands in taxpayer dollars spent by the Citizens Redistricting Committee, the Democrats tossed all of that away and jammed through an illegal gerrymander that ripped apart communities of interest, disenfranchised voters across the state, and set up maps where the intent is to let Albuquerque have all 3 congressional representatives. Through this suit we will stand for fairness, the rule of law, and the core principles of our democracy.”

Social Security Tax Repeal Moving Forward, New Mexico is One of Only 12 States That Taxes Social Security Benefits

I am praying this passes! Taxing Social Security is so very, very WRONG! I am also praying that the state rebates tax payers this year with the states treasure chest. PUT MONEY BACK INTO THE TAXPAYERS POCKETS!!! STOP SQUEEZING US!!!! I am very concerned where all the money the state now has will go down more than one rat hole. Who will be the good stewards of OUR MONEY?

FGGAM received this news release from the New Mexico GOP at the Roundhouse:

Santa Fe – The state’s taxation of social security benefits might soon be a thing of the past. Rep. Cathrynn Brown (R-Carlsbad) and Rep. Gail Armstrong (R-Magdalena) are once again co-sponsoring legislation to repeal the tax New Mexico places on social security income. They pre-filed House Bill 48 and are guardedly optimistic the bill will receive the approval of the legislature and governor this session.

“Sometimes it takes years of hard work to achieve passage of legislation,” said Brown. “Representative Armstrong and I have been working tirelessly for six years to repeal this tax. It’s unfair that our senior citizens are subjected to two points of taxation:  at the front end, when they make contributions into the Social Security system, and then later, when they draw their benefits.”

“We have had some bipartisan support for the repeal in years past,” said Armstrong, “but not nearly enough.  Democratic legislators, by and large, were dead set on keeping the tax in place.”

“What’s different this year is that the Governor has come on board,” said Brown. In her State of the State Address on January 18th, she endorsed the idea of repealing the tax. “We are delighted to have her support, and perhaps her endorsement will translate into the votes needed to finally provide tax relief for seniors.”

According to Brown and Armstrong, the state’s taxation of SSI is a known disincentive for people to retire in New Mexico.

New Mexico is one of only twelve states that taxes social security benefits.  Nebraska recently joined the ranks of states that are removing the tax.

Roadrunner Food Bank: Research shows that about one in four children are at risk of hunger, One in six New Mexicans overall

This irks me so very much! I have had teachers tell me that many students come to school hungry and they cannot concentrate and learn like that should be able to. There are 3,000 homeless children enrolled at APS. This has been a problem in New Mexico for years! It breaks my heart. Now we are suffering from higher food prices! There are many reasons for child hunger in New Mexico, too many homes have been ripped apart by crime and drugs. New Mexico, like all of America has moved away from God.

New Mexico is abusing God’s children through abortion, never giving so many babies a chance to live their life. Abortion is the greatest barrier between New Mexico and God. ‘Thou shall not kill.’ Do you have the Ten Commandments posted in your home and Church? Do you teach them? Do you model them? Do people see Jesus in you? New Mexico is being controlled by anti-life politicians.

What are you doing for the children of our state and nation?

Roadrunner Food Bank seeing increased need with rising food prices, 1 in 4 kids at risk of hunger

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