Are the changes in society running everything into the ground?


Pastor Dewey Note: We are coming up on the anniversary one of the greatest attacks ever on America. The insurrection of Jan. 6th, 2021. I do not beleive many Americans realize how much damage this did to America! This is not a political comment. It is a comment from a man of God. Will America keep running into hell? I do not know how people survive without God. This horrific  attack has turned away many from the Church as many Christians drank the political Kool-Aid. We must pray that this Civil War ends! That is what it is..American vs. American. I call it as I see it! No politics here! Our children watched in horror of the Insurrection, that is what their America is…so very divided and very ugly. America needs missionaries to come here and preach the true gospel. Too many Christians are pretending the Insurrection never happened, but it did. Americans watched live on TV the Capitol of the United States of America being attacked by THUGS! PEOPLE WERE KILLED! AMERICA WAS STAINED THAT DAY BY BLOOD AND VIOLENCE! Those images are with many for ever and ever! Those that stood for this need to be held accountable and repent. Remember! Politics is the playground of Satan!


Are the changes in society running everything into the ground?

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: The changes in society are running everything into the ground. It’s scary to think how content people seem to be with living in a virtual world. Is there anything that remains the same? – T.C.

A: Fear and anxiety have become the hallmarks of our age. Fear and anxiety are like baby tigers; the more we feed them, the stronger they grow. Fear can banish faith, but faith can banish fear. We must ask ourselves …

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