Warrant issued for man accused of Albuquerque fatal hit-and-run, Killing 7-year-old Pronoy Bhattacharya


Thank you to our Law Enforcement heroes! Has anybody heard from Mayor Keller? or Governor Lujan Grisham on this horrific tragedy??????????? if you have, please let me know! The Mayor has been very silent, as all hell breaks loose in our City, very silent on our record murder toll! The Governor seems to be numb to our heart break!

An arrest warrant was issued for a 27-year-old man accused of striking a 7-year-old boy and his father, killing the boy, Sunday night. Pronoy Bhattacharya, 7, was killed in the crash

Warrant issued for man accused of fatal hit-and-run involving 7-year-old boy

Off-road group hosts fundraiser for family after deadly hit-and-run crash

My post after the horrific killing of the Pronoy and an update of the death of a little boy from Rio Rancho

The Santa Fe New Mexican has this update on the littler boy in Rio Rancho who died of a gun shot. This is so very, very tragic for the family…….so heart breaking. We are praying! Questions raised on how Santa Fe police officer’s son died; guns, ammo seized from home


From Albuquerque:

I still have not heard a word from the Mayor, have you? The Governoras far as I know has not made a statement on the death of 7-year-old Pronoy Bhattacharya.

Where is the Mayor of our City? Such a horrible tragedy. Albuquerque is out of control, the Mayor is silent, has been since is reelection! If you hear from the Mayor, let me know!

Kathleen Fontello:
I believe that until we, as the citizens of this state repent from approving taking the lives of the unborn and approving unrighteous actions and laws as being OK. We have no power to change any thing as long as evil is driving our government and greed protects the guilty…
Preach it Sister! I have been shouting from the roof tops for years on what you just wrote in one of my posts! Amen Sister! You give me fire to keep going for God’s Babies! Kathleen you are so correct!

UPDATED: APD locates suspected vehicle involved in fatal Sunday night hit-and-run

UPDATED: Community pays tribute to boy killed in hit-and-run

Look to God for all solutions, His Word never fails, do not look to politics, it is the playground of Satan! Look at us, we are destroying ourselves, we are a godless nation. Carry out THE GREAT COMMISSION now! Today!

Dr. Jim Denison wrote:

Our best Christmas gift for hurting people is helping them experience Christ. Who do you know who needs the Jesus you know? How will you give them what has been given to you?

What trials and tempests are you facing personally? Will you name them and bring them to the One who came at Christmas just for you?

The hymn writer offers us the hope our storm-tossed souls need:

In the world’s despair and turmoil
One firm anchor still holds fast,
God is on his throne eternal,
He alone the first and last.

Who or what is your anchor today?

I just told Sharon about this news and she cried….are the people of Albuquerque becoming numb to such horror? Are the people of Albuquerque turning their backs on this hellish behavior? This is a city that allows the killing of babies..2021 has been a record year for murders in Albuquerque…now this…hell on earth!….An ATV ran a red light on Central last night and struck a Dad and child leaving the River of Lights. The 7-year-old boy (According to ABQ Journal) was dragged by the ATV and died. The Dad is in the hospital with injuries. The Mother of the little boy witnessed this horrific crash! Policer say that ATV’s have been driving on Central. I see them driving on city streets often! I am very sick to my stomach at the horrible things going on here in Albuquerque.  As I posted last week the city is out of control and JESUS is the only answer!  This will sound radical to many….but it is time to activate the National Guard in the City of Albuquerque. Will it reduce crime? I do not know, but I am praying that it would help deter crime. If the National Guard was placed in strategic locations in the city, in their National Guard vehicles, it may help. Drastic action is needed before more incent people are killed! Get those ATV’s off city streets! I would think that these thugs may think a second or two before committing a crime if they saw a National Guard Unit. I know this is not what the Chamber of Commerce and the Mayor don’t want, BUT people are more important that image! The image of Albuquerque around America is taking big hits. I see all the ugly posts about the city on Facebook. This summer when the Governor ordered State Police to help patrol Albuquerque as crime raged, she said, “If you commit a crime, we are going after you.” Right Governor, you sure scared them. This is way beyond the Albuquerque Police and State Patrol, they are overwhelmed. There is no hope for Albuquerque at the present time, except in JESUS! Hearts need to be changed for Jesus, souls need to be saved. Call out the National Guard and see if that will help deter crime, nothing else is helping. Please try, before another innocent person is killed. We here at FGGAM stand for life!

The tables of the Judicial system in New Mexico must be tipped over, get tough! Stop the catch and release. God’s children are dying!

I have had enough of this dysfunction in Albuquerque and in the entire state of New Mexico! It seems to me, that many in this state act like they do not care about the lives of others!


APD: Child killed in hit-and-run in SW Albuquerque

Child killed, father injured in hit-and-run

Connie Keyohara

Who Will Be Deceived?

And many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 

Matthew 24:11

We’ve all heard of end time deception and scripture is very clear about that. Today though, I wanted to discuss how Christians will be so easily deceived.

Deceive – to ensnare, to make a person believe what is not true; delude; mislead; to false to betray; misrepresentation of facts by words, actions; to mislead is to cause to follow the wrong course or to err in conduct or action, use of wiles and enticing words to deceive or mislead.

 Deception is believing a lie. It’s being blind sided with false information. It keeps you from walking in the fullness of the light and the will of God. It is a major weapon of Satan.

In the book of Mark Christ talks about the coming deception. We’re warned that even the elect might be deceived. 

This will happen when “false messiahs and false prophets … appear and perform signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” 

Mark 13:22

Scripture tells us to “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

 (1 Peter5:8)

Although that is a fearful thing, God has given us the key to avoid being deceived, it’s The very Word of God!

“So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time,” Jesus said (see Mark 13:23).

The Word of God is the only foundation that we should be anchored to. Period!

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”

Hebrews 4:12&13

If Satan deceived one third of the angels to follow him. And he deceived Eve in a perfect environment, then there’s Judas who was deceived to betray the Son of the living God, what would keep you from being so easily deceived? 

I’ve recently seen people deceived by their theology. The truth they once believed about Christ, has now changed. But it was presented as Christ with just a sprinkle of deception, thus making is sound as truth and not easy to detect. 

But, no matter how it sounds, if it’s not about Jesus Christ and he alone crucified, it’s worthless! 

Mark 4:23-24(Take heed to what you hear. With the value you put on what you hear, it will be measured back to you and you will grow in your hearing

I’ve asked and sought God this question lately;

 Why are so many believers on opposite sides of the fence, how can it be? If we have the same God and the same spirit abiding in us, why the division? 

Then the Lord showed me this as I sought him so diligently on this question. 

Here’s the key….👉🏻”You can only be deceived if you habitually NEGLECT the word of God!” 

“The heart cannot love what the mind does not know.”

“God reveals Himself in Scripture, so we feast on Him by filling ourselves with His Word, which is Truth, and seeking the stillness of His presence.”

That hit me right on the target of my heart. It broke my heart. 

You see, in essence, it’s because although you have two people who are believers and they know the same Lord, their walk is different. 

You have to know the Lord, you must be in constant contact with him… daily. If you’re only seeking to talk to God when you’re in trouble,  then you’re already in trouble. 

The result of our choice to resist or ignore God result in a spiritual death (separation from God).

And why would we want that, when we have the best waiting for us.  It’s ours to have, it’s free but you must do the work. 

Seek God and know him well because if you know his face and you seek it and  you memorize it, when the deceptive spirit shows up ,you’ll know it’s a counterfeit. 

And It’s not that we know how to spot a counterfeit, but it’s that since we know the real deal very well.. (God) we can spot him (The Truth) a mile away. 

My prayer for you today is that you would seek the face of God so that you won’t be so easily taken, when deception shows up!

D Wilkerson was instrumental in today’s devotion.

Many blessings, 


(The Christian Post) In light of the Advent season of waiting, Louie Giglio, the pastor of Passion City Church in Atlanta, Georgia, shared with his congregation that Jesus is coming back “soon” yet many won’t make it to Heaven and some will be deceived by Satan’s “game” of deception.

“The enemy’s plan for you and for me, in light of the fact that Jesus is coming soon, is that you would get deceived,” Giglio preached in a sermon delivered on Nov. 29.

Louie Giglio Warns Many Will Lose Satan’s ‘Game’ of Deception Before Jesus Returns

I posted this yesterday:

Please understand one thing about me, I care about every soul….from babies to the elderly! All lives are precious. I take that responsibility into my mind and soul. I fight for life everyday, the quality of life. I have been into many homes with so much poverty and children being neglected. My Daddy taught me to leave this world a better place than I found it! I am failing. This is not the world I want to leave my children and grandchildren. We all will have to answer to God for our failure of taking care of His babies. It seems New Mexico loves to feed addictions………

Over time, excessive alcohol use can lead to the development of chronic diseases and other serious problems including: High blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems. Cancer of the breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, voice box, liver, colon, and rectum. Booze is available it seems, on every street corner in New Mexico! A New Study Says Any Amount of Drinking Is Bad for You. Here’s What Experts Say

The Governor really pushed her pot bill this year and got it passed. She and her gang are looking for money in all the wrong places How Pot Affects Your Mind and Body

You see New Mexico, you are letting drugs and booze control the lives of many. Many folks are in the hospital because of underlying conditions from substance abuse and then you kill babies through abortion and then don’t get me started on child abuse which has risen in the state. NM Child Abuse Doubles It seems so many here do not care about life, period. Where is the Church? I hear crickets! This is not a political issue, it is having the heart of JESUS! How can God be happy with New Mexico?

I have been screaming about this for years……….drunk driving in New Mexico kills so many people! It destroys many families. The Church here is very silent on issues like this, as well as abortion, assisted suicide, and pot heads driving. I am sick and tired of New Mexico doing the same stupid things over and over! Example, letting drunks continue to drive. I feel very badly that people have a problem with alcohol, they need help! It is quite evident the help that is given to many folks is not working! We all need to help people, the Church needs to help people that are alcoholics. The Judicial system in New Mexico is a shipwreck! I have been reporting on this since 1995. What is it going to take to keep these folks off the road and make sure after their first DWI they do not drive again for years, if ever! The laws in this state don’t stick because the Judicial system is so very broken, The criminals rule! Soaring murder rate in ABQ metro, driven by drugs and booze, homelessness and gangs! Loss of life and quality of life in New Mexico seems to mean very little, Abortion, assisted  suicide, drunk driving and now pot heads drive. Oh and you can have your booze delivered to your home now and I am sure in the coming years pot will be delivered to homes. This situation is so ungodly!

Why New Mexico do you let this cloud of death get darker and darker over the state??? I cannot beleive you want this for your children and grandchildren! These are all quality of life issues and the Church needs to be helping to take care of all people and holding public officials accountable to Biblical principles.

This is the latest failure in New Mexico:

KOB TV: ABQ woman arrested for 4th DWI in 2 years

What is it going to take New Mexico? More deaths? Can we stop killing God’s babies? Hello Church?

God has given New Mexico such beautiful landscape….but we the people are destroying lives. Shame on us all.

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