For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. — Jeremiah 29:11
Have you ever wanted to just “throw in the towel” in a life circumstance and start over by doing something else or going in another direction? Of course you have and so have I. Perhaps, however, you were like Sparky and decided that you just needed to stay the course because something good was going to come from your persistent efforts.
A young man named Sparky didn’t have much going for him. He failed every subject in the eighth grade and in high school he flunked English, Algebra, Latin, and Physics. He did make the golf team, but promptly lost the only important match of the season, and then lost the consolation match. He was awkward socially—more shy than disliked. He never once asked a girl to go out on a date in high school.
One thing, however, was important to Sparky—drawing. He was proud of his artwork even though no one else appreciated it. He submitted cartoons to the editors of his high school yearbook, but they were turned down. Even so, Sparky aspired to be an artist. After high school, he sent samples of his art work to the Walt Disney Studios. Again, he was turned down.
Still, Sparky didn’t quit packing his suitcase! He decided to write his own autobiography in cartoons. The character he created became famous worldwide—the subject not only of cartoon strips but countless books, television shows, and licensing opportunities. Sparky, you see, was Charles Schultz, creator of the “Peanuts” comic strip. Like his character, Charlie Brown, Schultz may not have been able to do many things—but he made the most of what he could do!*
How many “Sparkys” do you know out there? Maybe that Sparky is you. So don’t give in or give up or ever lose hope of your dream. Your day is coming—especially if you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and place your future in His hands. He knows where your road is going and that your journey isn’t over yet. He’s the best friend, encourager and life planner anyone could ever have! What a great way to start a brand New Year. Maranatha!
*God’s Little Devotional Book