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PRAY TEAM JESUS! China and Russia On The Move: Hong Kong pro-democracy news website shuts down, U.S. and Russia to Hold Talks Concerning Ukraine

We all need to pay attention of what is going on in Hong Kong and in Ukraine. China’s arms are reaching far into the world. They are making military agreements with other countries and Putin is being his same evil self. We must pray against the evil acts of China and Russia. China is the greater threat, that is my opinion for whatever it is worth. China is also ramping up its persecution of Christians, with brain washing camps for Christians, see below.

Years ago my Dear Brother in Christ  Clyde Moore of Elkhart, Indiana called me from his hotel room in Hong Kong. We prayed together. Clyde talked about how wonderful Hong Kong was, so friendly, so clean……Clyde said, “I pray you can visit Hong King someday.” That may never happen….look what China is doing to Hong Kong……so very tragic

Hong Kong pro-democracy news website shuts down after police raid
Seven people linked to Stand News are arrested for “conspiracy to publish a seditious publication”.

Read in BBC News:

U.S., Russia to hold security talks next month

Ukraine Requires Women to Register for Military Conscription as Russia Threat Looms

Defying U.S., China and Iran Near Trade and Military Partnership

China, Russia Showcase Growing Ties With China, Russia Showcase Growing Ties With Joint Military Exercises

Religious Persecution in China Intensifies With Brainwashing Camps for Christians

From Yesterday:

The U.S. is one of only a handful of nations including China and North Korea that allow abortion on demand more than halfway through pregnancy

Time for some tough love folks, from an old preacher man born the in 1956!

It is way beyond time for all Christians to look into the mirror and ask JESUS if you are doing what He wants you to do for Him. Ask Jesus what you can do for his babies.

Francis Shaeffer said, “Every abortion clinic should have a sign in front of it saying, “Open by the permission of the church.”

I read this opinion piece in the Minneapolis Star Tribune today! WOW! America is right up there with communist countries! We are as barbaric as China and North Korea! Wow, and we actually think we are a great country???!!! That we should be blessed???!!! Many Churches hold weekly ‘high school pep rally’s’ the proof is in the pudding! The Church as a whole in America, has become very week. We are being outdone by Satan. Our failure to reach the lost is devastating, many any are not carrying out THE GREAT COMMISSION and not baptizing anybody! I know too many Churches that are baptizing maybe 1 or 2 a year!  Why has the Church in America allowed this? Just think…the blood of God’s babies is on all of our hands and we will have to answer for it! So many fools in America. Look a baby in the eyes………

I pray Christians in America wake up and repent and hold the biggest REVIVAL ever! The Renewal of Christians in America! Please, no more fancy dancy, no more smoke and mirrors, seek the face of JESUS! JESUS! I am sick and tired of the high school pep rally’s. I for one will never give up for God’s babies, I am not a fancy dancy preacher, for sure! BUT I LOVE JESUS AND HIS BABIES!!! ALL BABIES!!! We stand with JESUS!!!

“Seek the well being of the city to which I have sent you. Pray for it to the Lord. For in seeking its well being you shall find your own.“ Jeremiah 29:7

Be accountable to JESUS! Not fancy, dancy! You know what I’m talking about!!!

Get rid of your pride people! Humble yourselves before our LORD! Get on your knees and ask for forgiveness and serve JESUS! Carry out THE GREAT COMMISSION! Build bridges of love and trust with an unbelieving world! That is what we try to do everyday here at FGGAM and we will do it until the LORD says no more.

Jose Ortega Y Gasset said, “All of us are hero’s in varying degrees…..The hero is defined by his refusal to accept reality…..and by a will to alter reality; that is to say, by a will for adventure…..Heroism leads us to resist the impositions of heredity, of environment…..the hero’s will is not that of his ancestors nor of his society, but his own.

I will add to that quote in saying when we have our mission from God, His will in our heart, soul and mind, we can move mountains.

He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matt. 17:20

I have said this time and time again, the Church fell in love with politicians and drank the political Koo-Aid. The last 7 years have been awful for the Church in America, it got swept up in evil by politicians and many showed unbelievers just what they wanted to see, crazy, mean Christians! It still is going on!

It appears to me, that many that call themselves Christians, love their politics more than JESUS!

It should be noted that the U.S. is one of only a handful of nations — including China and North Korea — that allow abortion on demand more than halfway through pregnancy, when unborn babies clearly feel pain. It is far past time for all of us to hold this nation to a higher standard and recognize the humanity of the unborn.

This message is from: Pete Stauber represents Minnesota’s Eighth Congressional District in the U.S. House. Marilyn Musgrave is a former member of Congress who represented Colorado’s Fourth District and is vice president for government affairs of the Susan B. Anthony List.

American law must respect humanity of the unborn

 A Mexican pro-choice activist group is plotting to smuggle abortion pills into Texas to undermine the pro-life laws.

Warning Against Rejecting Wisdom

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