PRAY TEAM JESUS: Children’s mental health declared a national emergency — what parents need to know


This is not a political issue, it is ‘we the people’ issue! Let us be in prayer over this issue and put our feet on the ground and walk and serve each other. Put our prayers into action. This is the America WE have created or allowed to be created.

From Yahoo News:

Amid the stress, isolation, uncertainty, fear, and grief that many have experienced during the pandemic, the U.S. health care system has seen a sharp rise in mental health concerns among children — and health experts are sounding the alarm.

On Dec. 7, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy issued a public health advisory that warned of a crisis among youth. This followed a joint statement in October in which the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Children’s Hospital Association declared a national emergency in children’s mental health

Children’s mental health declared a national emergency — what parents need to know

From Adrian Rogers:


“But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption—that, as it is written, ‘He who glories, let him glory in the Lord.’”


Do you know the greatest ability if you want to be used by God? It is availability. So many times my prayer is simply this, “Lord Jesus, inhabit my humanity and do what you want to do in me. I am available. I yield myself to you, God, to do, to be, to say, to think what you want me to do, be, say and think.” And folks, no matter whether you are known or unknown, mighty or weak, base or noble, if you’re available, you can be used mightily of God. Don’t insult the grace of God by saying God can’t use you. God has been looking for somebody just like you. He made you for His purposes and He will be faithful to accomplish those purposes in your life if you will make yourself available to Him.

  • How might you make yourself more available for God to use you this week?
  • What are some ways we make ourselves unavailable to God—whether intentionally or not?


Look at your calendar this week and consider practical ways to make yourself available to God. How might your schedule be an obstacle to your spiritual availability?

How more wicked can America get? I should not ask that question! Here in New Mexico we already allow home deliver of booze, despite a high rate of alcoholism and drunk driving deaths. Now, New Mexico has legalized pot! There are reports throughout the nation of start ups that will make homedelivery of pot available. America loves to feed evil addictions. Kill a human being by mail??!!!!! Pure evil. Satanic America! Satan is having is way with so very many Americans.


Should ‘inconvenient’ science and data be discarded in the pursuit of a political goal?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) appeared to do just that by rolling back longstanding patient safeguards on the abortion drug mifepristone.  Since the FDA first approved mifepristone, then known as “RU-486,” in 2000, the drug has only been available in person from certified providers who had the medical knowledge to reduce some of the risks associated with the drug.

FDA Approves Abortion by Mail, Ignoring ‘Inconvenient’ Science in Pursuit of a Political Goal

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