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UPDATED! Team Jesus, Please Pray for Pastor Brad Ficklin and His Son Justus!

From Joni Eareckson Tada:
Though Satan should buffet, tho’ trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control:
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.It is well, it is well,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

And, Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll:
The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend,
“Even so” – it is well with my soul. *1

Lord of Hope, I place my trust in you and I praise you for making all things well with my soul. Please receive glory as I magnify and adore your name, lifting my soul before you. With you, there is no reason to be downhearted.

1* Spafford, Horatio O. The Hymnal for Worship and Celebration, Word Music, 1986, p. 493.

SUNDAY MORNING UPDATE, passed along from Pastor Bill Ruhl:
Update Pastor Brad Ficklin from Heather:
When asked about his lacerated spleen, which was bleeding: is it still bleeding?
H: Not clear yet. His blood draws showed his spleen seemed to be fine but he vomited earlier today and it was black with blood so they started slowing down the process of releasing him.
They are doing blood draws every 4 hours to monitor those levels again.Whew! Amen and amen!
Turns out it is 4 broken ribs, front and back.
Ficklin: The more prayer for a full recovery, the better! Here’s a visual of God’s goodness:
Thank you Father for your warring Angels around Brad,Heather&, Justus. Bring Your healing IJN!
I received this overnight from Pastor Don Kimbro. Please be in prayer Team Jesus. Please put this on your prayer needs at your Church.
Hi Dewey,
I thought you would like to know about this and include Brad and Justus in your prayers. Blessings,

1:07 PM

Brad Ficklin and his son Justus were t-boned at the intersection right there by the church (Morris & Comanche) in Albuquerque.  It was on Brad’s side.  He is in a lot of pain in his chest, ribs & heart.  They took him by ambulance to UNMH.  Justus is also being looked at because he is in a lot of pain, albeit, he can walk and is coherent.  They have Brad in the trauma unit because he is in so much pain.  So, they are doing lots of tests to find the problems and trying to get his pain under control.  Heather of course is at the hospital but has not been able to see Brad and very upset.  She won’t be able to see him until the move him from trauma to a room in emergency.
Update at 2:00 PM
Brad is going to be in the hospital for at least a day for monitoring. He has a lacerated spleen, a broken rib, and a significant concussion. He has not been moved to a room yet so we cannot see him. Thank you for all your prayers and he and Justus.
Update at 3:56 PM
Brad is out of the trauma unit and in a room in the ER. He is in a lot of pain. Heather (his wife) says that if his spleen doesn’t stop bleeding, they will have to remove it.
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