New Mexico No. 1 in Pedestrian Deaths, Drivers Going a 100 mph! Another Murder in ABQ, Record Death Count Climbs


I am really sick and tired of this! Who is teaching these drivers how to do life? I think of all the people are put in harms way by these criminals! I think of my children. To value life! Of course New Mexico aborts babies and child abuse is through the roof. I love the state of New Mexico, but I hate the horrible crimes! Sharon and I were almost sideswiped by a truck on I-40 last week. It has to be going at least 85. SPEED! SPEED! Now these crazy drivers will also be smoking pot. More deaths! What do you think makes New Mexico so very dysfunctional? Why do New Mexicans accept such awful lawlessness. New Mexico is a mission field! It is a JESUS issue! Hearts need to be given to JESUS! We need to help families stay together. It appears the sanctity of life continues to drop in New Mexico.

New Mexico remains No. 1 in pedestrian deaths

ABQ Man Driving 100 mph

Another Murder in ABQ, The New Record of Deaths Continues

From the writings of Billy Graham:

Humans rarely think of the soul because it cannot be seen or touched — but God knows the depth of the human soul; He created it. The Bible says: “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? (Mark 8:36).

More important than anything is to make sure your soul is bound for Heaven. Right now you can submit your life to Christ Jesus by admitting your sin against Him and asking His forgiveness. He will help you walk in a way that pleases Him.

Don’t delay in making things right with God. He will be with you every step of the way and will grant you peace and eternal life. Exchange your sin for Christ’s salvation. Receive Him today and He will begin to show you how to live a valuable life with purpose and thanksgiving .

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