What Has He Done For You? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


What Has He Done For You?

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. It’s been many years now I traveled to Tennessee for a meeting. There are some meetings you just never forget. This woman walked up to me with a microphone in her hand and asked this question, what has God done for you? I tried to polish up some teen years and gave quick, short answers. However, the lady wouldn’t let it go. She pushed even further. So exactly what have you done, she questioned? I couldn’t believe what came out of my own mouth. I had an abortion, was my reply.

The room fell silent, no one said anything. I thought my confession of drinking too much alcohol and all the other things I had done would have been enough, but apparently it was not.

The leader of the meeting took the microphone from the woman, her assistant, and she said I see what God wants to do here today. If you have had an abortion, I want you to come forward and we will pray together. Women from different parts of the world had flown in to Tennessee for this meeting, me being one.

I wish I could put into words the pain in the room that night, but I can’t. One thing I remember though is the change in the womens countenance as they asked God to heal their brokenness. He was faithful to heal them and restore their joy.

The next morning as I went down to breakfast, a lady said to me, I sense to tell you that God is going to use you to be a spiritual mother to many across the world. I smiled as my roommates said earlier that morning to me, I was like their mother. I was continually picking up after them and telling them to please quiet down so we wouldn’t disturb the people in the next room. Your like our mother, they would jokingly say.

Today, let’s thank God for what he has done for you. Let’s thank him that there is nothing he can’t redeem. He loves you beautfiul people, he loves you. Let’s thank him for motherhood.

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for life. Thank you that you bring beauty from ashes and there is nothing you won’t redeem.

Father, for the woman, girl, teen today that is still suffering form the aftermath of an abortion, we bring her to the Healing Waters of Jesus Christ. Heal her, we pray.

Father, only you can restore her. We break off shame, guilt, condemnation and pray you will use her to be a spiritual mother to others that needs to be set free all across our world today. Your Word is forever settled. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed and we believe and receive. John 8:36

Father, let the healing continue, we pray. Amen.

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