10 Disciplines of a Godly Man


If you live in New Mexico or southern Colorado you missed an awesome Men’s Conference this past weekend! The “Soldiers of the Cross Men’s Encounter” was held at New Beginnings Church in Albuquerque Friday night and Saturday. FGGAM was so super blessed to take part! My message was on “EGO” Edging God Out! Many men have put God aside, as our nation has. Oh My! Many men told me that the conference “WOKE THEM UP” PTL!!!! It is time for men to be men of GOD and not of this world we live in! PTL!!! AMEN! The world is going to hell in a hand basket, MEN NEED TO BE MEN OF GOD!!! I will be giving updates from time to time on “The Soldiers of Cross.” Get involved!! Time to get off you ‘duff’ and serve God and your family!

Contact Pastor Alfonso Antillon for more info

Pastor Alfonso’s Church: Majesty Worship Center


Matt Chandler once said, “We’ve got a lot of boys with beards these days,” and I believe these words speak powerful truth.

Our world is constantly throwing out ideas of what it means to really be a man. The reality is that everyone has their own opinion, but as a Christian, the only blueprint men should mimic their life after is that of the Bible. To know what a true man is, we need look no further than the life of Jesus Christ himself. Makes sense doesn’t it? As the Son of God, Jesus is the epitome of manhood, manliness and what we should strive for in our attempt at being a reflection of true maturity in Christ.

10 Disciplines of a Godly Man

George Barna: “Too often, it seems, people who are simply religious, or regular churchgoers, or perhaps people who want a certain reputation or image embrace the label ‘Christian,’ regardless of their spiritual life and intentions.”

Pastor Dewey: America is crumbling…..it may survive but things will continue to get worse as people walk away from Jesus. America needs TRUE REVIVAL, will it take place? I hate to think what America will look like even in 3 months. Sharon and I have children and grand children like many of you. We are failing our children. Please Pastors no more HIGH SCHOOL PEP RALLY’S!!!! This is SPIRITUAL WARFARE!!! Satan is not playing games, he is destroying our country!!! Understanding Spiritual Warfare

Just 9% of self-identified American Christian adults hold a biblical worldview. I see it everyday! I hear it everyday! Satan does not hide anymore, he is all over! I was sharing yesterday at the Open Bible Ministry Church in Los Alamos that we all need to invite people to Church every Sunday, we cannot just sit back and complain. There was a lady yesterday in Church looking for a Pastor that speaks from a Biblical Worldview. Many are searching and many are being swept away by Satan. We need more Pastors like Pastor Paul Jaramillo. He is running for school board in Los Alamos to make a difference in the Kingdom. We all need to fulfill the Great Commission. Mature Christians need to seek the Lord to see if they should run for public office. What good are we if we do not stand for LIFE??????? For God’s babies????? What good are we????? The Church and Pastors cannot even unite for God’s babies!!!??????? I told the folks yesterday I envision Jesus giving me a report card when I get to heaven! It keeps me in check with my Lord.

OH LORD I CRY OUT FOR MATURE PASTORS AND CHRISTIANS! CHURCH LEADERS: You don’t divide your life into “secular” and “sacred” compartments. Instead, you rather enjoy communion with Him in all areas of your life—work, recreation, church and parenting. Toward that end, you regularly practice spiritual disciplines (e.g., meditation on Scripture, silence, solitude, community, confession, worship) to position yourself to practice His presence all throughout the day.



Stephanie Martin

According to a new report from Arizona Christian University’s Cultural Research Center (CRC), just 9% of self-identified American Christian adults hold a biblical worldview. Even fewer (6%) hold a biblical worldview and consistently apply biblical principles to their lives.

The CRC says findings from its latest American Worldview Inventory show the need to nurture what the center calls “integrated disciples” of Jesus. “‘Christian’ has become somewhat of a generic term rather than a name that reflects a deep commitment to passionately pursuing and being like Jesus Christ,” says CRC research director George Barna. “Too often, it seems, people who are simply religious, or regular churchgoers, or perhaps people who want a certain reputation or image embrace the label ‘Christian,’ regardless of their spiritual life and intentions.”

Self-Identifying as Christian Isn’t Very Telling

George Barna: ‘Christian’ Is Now a Generic Label

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