New Mexico GOP lawmakers back bipartisan opposition to Governors oil and gas restrictions


FGGAM NEWS received this news release late yesterday:

New Mexico GOP lawmakers back bipartisan opposition to MLG oil and gas restrictions

Santa Fe – House Republican lawmakers today added their voice to bipartisan opposition for Lujan Grisham’s proposed oil and gas restrictions that would substantially harm both the operations of New Mexico’s oil and gas industries and state and local government revenues.  On September 20 and 21, the NM Environment Department is scheduled to present to the Environment Improvement Board these proposed industry restrictions. In a letter to NM Environment Department Secretary James Kenney, 23 Republican State Representatives expressed their concerns and joined the bipartisan leadership of the Legislative Finance Committee in calling for a substantial review of the economic and fiscal impacts in order to ensure these proposed regulations do not negatively impact New Mexico schools and other government functions with the expected reduction of revenue.

The economic research firm of John Dunham and Associates estimates these ozone rules could cause as many as 37 percent of current operating oil wells and 87 percent of operating natural gas wells to become uneconomical after accounting for increased regulatory costs.  Those increased costs, according to the research firm, could total $3.2 billion in the first year and $3.8 billion over the course of the five years.  In turn, the New Mexico Tax Research Institute estimates that the annual cost of this new proposed rule could cost state and local governments $730 million — $569 million would be lost in state revenue and a $160 million loss of revenues for local governments.

House Republican Caucus Chair Rebecca Dow had a stark perspective on Governor Lujan Grisham’s attempt to shut down the oil and gas industries, while also slashing the state’s operating budget, “The fact of the matter is NMED regulators are carrying forward the Governor’s progressive anti-oil and gas agenda to help her curry favor with her out-of-state donors, rather than assisting the people of New Mexico who depend upon the jobs and the economic activity the oil and gas industry provides for this state.  Can you imagine the turmoil we would be in if we had to slash school budgets because political appointees, at the direction of the Governor, decided to shut down the one industry in New Mexico which generates nearly 45 percent of state revenues and provides economic opportunity for hundreds of thousands of New Mexicans?

The Governor’s proposed regulations to reduce oil and gas operations would be a major blow to the oil and gas industry, especially the small and independent producers operating low-volume oil and gas wells across the state.  While the proposed ozone rules contain a “small business exemption,” the language in the proposed rule is so restrictive that few, if any, small oil and gas producers would qualify.  The House Republican letter calls on the NM Environment Department to modify the “small business exemption” in order to provide the regulatory relief these small producers need in order to keep their operations continuing.

You cannot have it both ways. The out of touch progressives are both demanding more money for education while simultaneously shutting down the revenue source,” said State Representative Larry Scott (R-Hobbs). “This is what happens when politicians who have no sense of budgeting gain power- lots of rhetoric and glossy ideals but no substance or understanding of how the real world works. It is unfortunate that so-called progressives put their energy into destroying the industry that provides so much for our students and teachers without assessing the negative outcomes of their political gamesmanship.


Violence Increases in Albuquerque Youth Football Games!

This is way out of control! Where are the MEN OF GOD????? WHERE ARE THEY???? This is far from biblical!!!! If I was in charge, all those who took part in this violence would be suspended for at least 1 year or more, maybe forever! How can men be teaching kids this behavior is okay??? Then to hear that this type of behavior has been going on for years!!! Horrible! This type of behavior bleeds into our streets and schools. We are losing generation after generation of children because of how they are raised, thinking these satanic ways make you a man. Shame! WHERE ARE THE MEN OF GOD??????

Maybe this league needs to be disbanded and a new league started.

Satan is having his way with many.

JESUS must be at the center of everything!

Violence at YAFL games raises concerns, prompts emergency meeting

I wrote this reported this week…….look at the satanic mess that has been created in New Mexico:

New Mexico Poverty

Pastor Dewey Note: I beleive that God is not happy with many of us, we walk around at at every corner we say “GOD BLESS AMERICA”, but we continue to kill His babies through abortion, and kill children through abuse and other means. ……God blessed this country when He founded it, we are the ones that need to bless God and not be fools. Here in New Mexico we will soon have legalized pot. Pot heads driving cars along with all the drunk drivers. New Mexico also has home delivery of booze! I guess the pot heads, boozers and abortionists are happy along with Satan. Do I need to mention how violent New Mexico has become. The New Mexico State Police once again have been called into Albuquerque to help our understaffed police force! Do I need to mention all the CORRUPTION in the state? New Mexicans keep electing anti-life politicians. Satan is having his with with so many. Christians need to seek the the face of the LORD to see if they should run for office. I am so very grateful for one of my heroes of faith Pastor Paul Jaramillo of the Open Door Bible Ministry Church in Los Alamos who is running for the school board! That is how we can change our culture! Amen!

How is your state doing?

2021’s Happiest States in America – WalletHub Study

With 4 in 10 adults having reported symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic, the personal-finance website today released its report on 2021’s Happiest States in America, as well as accompanying videos and expert commentary.

To determine where Americans have the highest satisfaction with life, WalletHub compared the 50 states across 31 key indicators of happiness. The data set ranges from the depression rate and the positive COVID-19 testing rate to income growth and the unemployment rate.

Happiest States in America
1. Utah 11. Connecticut
2. Minnesota 12. Vermont
3. Hawaii 13. Washington
4. California 14. Nebraska
5. North Dakota 15. Iowa
6. South Dakota 16. Wisconsin
7. Idaho 17. Virginia
8. Maryland 18. New York
9. New Jersey 19. New Hampshire
10. Massachusetts 20. Maine

Best vs. Worst

  • New Jersey has the lowest share of adult depression, 11.66 percent, which is 2.6 times lower than in West Virginia, the state with the highest at 30.20 percent.
  • New York and New Jersey have the fewest suicides (per 100,000 residents), 8, which is 3.6 times fewer than in Wyoming, the state with the most at 29.
  • North Dakota has the lowest long-term unemployment rate, 13.10 percent, which is 3.4 times lower than in New Mexico, the state with the highest at 44.90 percent.
  • Utah has the highest volunteer rate, 51.00 percent, which is 2.2 times higher than in Florida, the state where the rate is the lowest at 22.80 percent.
  • Utah has the lowest separation and divorce rate, 15.74 percent, which is 1.7 times lower than in Nevada, the state with the highest at 26.07 percent.

To view the full report and your state’s rank, please visit:

More from WalletHub

Expert Commentary

What are the key ingredients to a happy life?          

“The most fundamental elements to a happy life comprised of a combination of factors. It begins with being mentally, emotionally, physically, and socially healthy. It also requires having healthy relationships with individuals in your personal and social circles and be contented with the choices you have made in your life journey. Furthermore, harmful, or toxic behaviors are not positive components of happiness, and you must display self-authenticity while striving to be the best person you can be each day.”
Wendy Johnny – Assistant Professor, City University of New York

“What we see across the world is that having access to health care and robust welfare programs helps to ensure that people are able to live a happy life. These things are not on their own sufficient to be happy, but we all need a good baseline in which our physical needs are satisfied in order to live a happy life. Once we have gotten this baseline secured, the next best things we can do are to focus on the quality and nature of our social relationships and to develop a mindset marked by optimism, compassion, and gratitude – qualities of mind which are both part of feeling happy and conducive towards feeling happier. We need to be able to see the good around us, take it in, and experience it with others.”
Lorraine Besser – Professor of Philosophy, Middlebury College

How important is money to people’s happiness?

“It matters, but not as much as one might think. Across research studies, income tends to be positively associated with subjective well-being. That means that as an individual’s income increases, their perceptions of their well-being tend to also increase. However, this effect tends to be small and to level out as income increases. At a certain point, more money does not contribute to greater well-being.”
Stacey McElroy-Heltzel, Ph.D. – Assistant Professor, The University of Iowa

“The research on the question of money is clear. Being poor and having a lot of stress because you do not have enough money definitely makes you unhappy, but once your income reaches a minimum threshold (about $75,000 per year in most parts of the U.S.), getting more money after that does not significantly increase happiness.”
Frank T. McAndrew, Ph.D. – Professor, Knox College

Considering the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, what will be the long-term effects on citizens’ level of happiness? What are some steps a person can take to ensure a state of psychological well-being?

“With the protracted nature of this pandemic, which has only intensified stress for some who were already suffering, we are becoming chronically anxious and chronically stressed. Our feelings of anxiety and stress as well as our responses to them (particularly, unhealthy coping responses) can become habits and take a toll on our health and wellbeing that can well outlast the pandemic. When things get better, our chronic habits of anxiety and worry may not automatically disappear completely. In my opinion, as individuals, we might need to take very conscious steps to regulate our worry and utilize interventions that can restore calmness and contentment…We also need meaningful and well-paying jobs, and welcoming and safe communities to support our psychological wellbeing.”
Meg Warren, Ph.D. – Associate Professor, Western Washington University

“The pandemic taught most of us a lot about the importance of having close social relationships and the dangers of social isolation. We should all take steps to ensure that we have close contacts, and that these relationships are positive and fulfilling ones. But to thrive we need more than our close contacts. I worry about the long-term effect of social distancing, wherein we must train ourselves to move away from people, and of mask-wearing, which inhibit the empathetic connections made through our facial expressions. We need to learn how to connect with others in ways that are less physical yet still meaningful and assuring.”
Lorraine Besser – Professor of Philosophy, Middlebury College


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