Do You Pray without Ceasing?


What?!?! Pray without ceasing! How in the world will I ever get anything done if all I do is pray all day?

Was that your response when you read the title to this post?

Well, the Bible tells us in First Thessalonians 5:17-18 says, “Pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (NKJV).

Would the Bible instruct us to do something that is impossible? No, the impossible is for God, we are here on earth to do the possible. So here’s how I found it possible to pray without ceasing.

I came across this passage where Jesus said, “I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me” (John 15:15 NLT).

For those of us who believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, He calls us friend. Woo hoo!

When I saw that it hit me that to “Pray without ceasing” is the relational, conversational, talking to God like a friend all day long prayer.

How often do you text or call your spouse throughout the day? Come on now, be honest. Do you just talk to your spouse once in the morning and then you’re done for the day?

I hope not or I’ll have refer you to marriage counseling.

We talk to those we’re in relationship with and the closer we are to the person we’re in relationship with, the more we talk to them.

So Jesus is your friend. He is my friend. Since we have a relationship with the Father through the Son, we can talk to Him anytime, anywhere. Yes, talk to Him while you’re going about your day-to-day tasks.

Talk to Him while driving.

Talk to Him while shopping.

Talk to Him while cleaning.

Talk to Him while working.

Talk to Him while waiting in line.

Talk to Him while exercising.

Talk to Him while playing sports.

He loves to hear from you! And as you develop your relationship with Him, He will talk to you too! Yes, you can hear from the Lord. As I mentioned, this is all about a relationship.

Jesus said in John 10:27, “My own sheep hear my voice and I know each one, and they will follow me” (TPT).

When we talk to Him and listen to Him as we pray without ceasing throughout our day, He will guide us in the way we should go. And my friend, we need to receive specific direction from Him today as never before in the history of my lifespan!

If we’re driving and talk to Him, He may tell us which course to take to get to our destination safely.

If we talk to Him while we’re shopping, He will direct us to which product to purchase.

If we talk to Him while we are working, He will instruct us on how to use our time efficiently.

If we talk to Him while seeking a medical appointment, He will instruct us on where to go.

Yes, my friend, we can pray without ceasing throughout our day as we develop our relationship with the Lord. He longs to hear from you all throughout the day, not just once or twice. Invite Him in to every part of your life and let me know how your life changes.

If you would like more information on prayer, download my gift book to you at BREAKTHROUGHPRAYER.CLUB.

And I invite you to join me every week on Clubhouse, Thursdays at 10am CST, where I talk about prayer. Click here to follow me on Clubhouse, then click the bell next to my name, then always to receive notification on when I’m speaking. Also, I invite you to join the Pray Hope Believe club on Clubhouse by clicking here. Blessings!

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