Christians For Change! Check This Out! New Mexico Business Coalition


I have been working a bit with the New Mexico Business Coalition. I have been able to hook them up with some folks who are very sick and tired of the condition of New Mexico! I am very grateful for the efforts of Carla Sonntag and her staff. Carla is spot on with this statement: “If we continue to work separately, however, we’ll continue to get the same results we’ve been experiencing.” AMEN! I will do my best to help Carla get the word out about this wonderful organization.  Christians need to come together more than ever right now. Time is urgent. Pastors and Churches need to unite. Communities need to unite! Our children are facing an evil world, is this what you want? I am sure it is not! So now is the time to act. Please click on the link below for more information to get started in making New Mexico a Christian state. Right now, New Mexico is ruled by anti-life politicians. This is a non-partisan effort, which I am very thankful for!!! Unite New Mexico! 


New Mexico Business Coalition


Paul wrote in Romans 13:1 “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”


The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) was established in 2009 as a God-led mission to influence business policy and hold elected officials accountable. NMBC has had some incredible wins over that time on behalf of business owners and the people of this state. We have stopped many significant tax increases, egregious regulatory measures and held off the legalization of recreational marijuana for several years. We have been successful in removing some corrupt elected and appointed officials from office, including most recently a cabinet secretary who was operating contrary to a law that NMBC wrote and helped get passed in 2020.


Despite these efforts, our state is losing ground on every front. We’ve seen an increasing number of ungodly leaders take office at all levels of government. We’ve seen government mandates and legislation that have increased the killing of our unborn children and we’ve seen government decisions that have stripped away our God-given right to attend church. And, while our basic rights are stripped away, government mandates are now forcing people to choose to go along with the mandates or lose their jobs and their ability to take care of their families.


The time is now for believers to unite and exercise our right to speak the truth and get our state and country back to one that is God-led and following Godly principles.


How will we do this?  We are uniting believer-based leaders to join a growing army in our state the goal is not to replace the efforts of any group, but to strengthen them. Through this statewide effort, we can share important information on issues and candidates impacting their followers’ lives. We believe when people are armed with the truth, they’re more likely to vote, which will lead to better leadership in our state.


As a leader in this mission, you automatically become part of a leadership team that will meet regularly to discuss the issues and develop a plan to activate our army of like-minded individuals throughout the state. We know that in working with great people, like you, we can find the right path to a better New Mexico.


The statewide database we are creating will allow us to notify participants when an issue of interest arises. That includes a statewide focused effort at election time to elect believers who will guide New Mexico into a new direction. Our collective action and voice will increase our effectiveness in winning important victories.


We are available to answer questions and help you in any way.  We know that together, we can truly make a difference. If we continue to work separately, however, we’ll continue to get the same results we’ve been experiencing.

God Bless, Carla Sonntag

If you would like to join this rising army please take less than 4 minutes to complete the following survey. You will be sent information and real time action items regarding issues that are important to you.

Check this out Team Jesus! FGGAM is behind this cause! Please take a moment to look at this info


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