Predestined to Be Like Jesus


August 27, 2021
Today’s Daily Devotional


“…having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will…”


This verse says that we’re chosen before the world and then predestined to be like the Lord Jesus. Predestination is not saying from eternity that this man will go to Heaven and this other man goes to Hell; predestination says that those who trust the Lord Jesus are going to be like the Lord Jesus. Predestination teaches me on the authority of the Word of God that because He chose me and because I have trusted Him, it is settled forever that I’m going to be like the Lord Jesus Christ and that settles the question of my security. If I am predestined for adoption into the family of God, what can stop it? What can stand in the way? Nothing. I am predestined; I have been chosen to be like the Lord Jesus. God’s plans for me will never be thwarted, no matter the schemes of the devil.

  • Does it bring you comfort to know God has purposed for all who trust in Him to be made like Jesus?
  • In what ways has God already made you more like Jesus?


Write out three to five ways you know you need to grow to be more like Jesus. Take these to God, asking Him to make you like His Son in these specific ways.

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