New Mexico is State with the 4th Most Underprivileged Children, Where Does Your State Rank? Info is All Here!


It’s all a heart issue folks, not a money issue, or a political issue. If it was we would have solved all our problems years and years ago. It’s having a heart for JESUS and HIS PEOPLE!

The Church must not stand still!!!! The Church is meant to be the hospital for all! All this government involvement in our lives and spending money America does not have concerns me very much! We the people of God must get active and help those in need. We must surround families with the love of Jesus, have food banks, shelter, etc. We are not called to stay within our walls and have the doors locked. We are not called to build kingdoms to serve ourselves, we are to go out and carry out THE GREAT COMMISSION and increase the Kingdom of God! What you need to know about THE GREAT COMMISSION Much of the Church in America loves to preach to the choir. We need to hit the streets. I always think that we will be surprised by some of the questions that JESUS asks us when we get to heaven. I do not think he will ask about how large your church was or about the cosmetics. Jesus may ask how come you allowed abortions. Why did you kill my babies? I always have that in my mind to keep me in check on how I conduct our ministry here that God has given us. What is your Church doing on the streets for JESUS? What are you doing? Some Churches are active, some not so much. God knows all.

New Mexico keeps doing the same stupid things, whether there is a Republican or Dem as Governor we are always near or at the bottom in anything good for our children. God will hold us all accountable. We must understand this is not a political issue, nationally, both parties are so far wacked out of line it is horrible! The Dems and Republicans as a whole behave badly! How do you think our children feel about the political mess of our Country? It turns them off for sure. Here in New Mexico we are blessed by a core of solid elected leaders, but the majority of New Mexicans keep voting for anti-life politicians. So stupid! So sinful! Our children suffer so much and they are growing up in a state with babies being killed because of abortion, or being killed by violence, suffer from extreme poverty, poor school systems, legalized pot, home delivery of booze so parents can get stewed at home, horrible! Now Pot heads will be driving and killing people! And New Mexicans wonder why we are last in good things! Hard to think this is what New Mexico wants.

The Kingdom of God is About Bearing Fruit! Are You?

From the writings of Billy Graham! Billy NAILS IT as always!

There is a group of people, often a minority, in almost every congregation who have personally met the living Christ and can never be the same again. The word “church” comes from a Greek word, ecclesia, which means, “to call out.” The church is composed of all those true believers from Pentecost onward who are united together in Christ. The Bible teaches that we are the Body of Christ, of which He is the Head (Ephesians 1:22-23).

Within the vast complexities, bureaucracies, organizations, and institutions of Christendom there exists the true Body of Christ. They are the ones who have their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life (Revelation 21:27). They are scattered in all denominations, and many are in no denomination at all. This is the church against which Christ promised the gates of Hell would never prevail (Matthew 16:18).

The church needs to be called back to Biblical authority. The Protestant church today is possibly as far from the authority of the Scriptures as was the Roman church in the 16th century. We desperately need a new reformation within the Protestant church.

Only a healthy church can help a sick world. Much social action today is nothing but sheer humanism. True members of the church are those who have been transformed by the power of Christ.

The changing of people’s hearts is the primary mission of the church. To proclaim the entire Gospel of Christ is the only answer to mankind’s deepest needs.

With August being Child Support Awareness Month and nearly 1 in 7 children in the U.S. living in poverty, the personal-finance website WalletHub today released its report on 2021’s States with the Most Underprivileged Children.

In order to bring awareness to the condition of underprivileged children throughout the U.S., WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 27 key measures of neediness. The data set ranges from share of children in households with below-poverty income to child food-insecurity rate to share of maltreated children.

Welfare of Children in New Mexico (1=Most; 25=Avg.):

  • 3rd – % of Children in Households with Below-Poverty Income
  • 8th – % of Maltreated Children
  • 3rd – Child Food-Insecurity Rate
  • 15th – % of Uninsured Children
  • 28th – Infant Mortality Rate
  • 4th – % of Children in Single-Parent Families
  • 15th – Child & Youth Homeless Rate
  • 12th – WalletHub “States that are Recovering the Quickest from COVID-19” Score

For the full report, please visit:


More from WalletHub

Expert Commentary

What are the most efficient and effective programs for equalizing opportunity for children? 

“Cash assistance is an important component of poverty reduction, but programs that provide direct in-kind relief to children from economically disadvantaged households, such as SNAP, WIC, Medicaid, prenatal care, housing, and homeless services, etc. are more immediately impactful on child health and wellness. While leveling the playing field for underprivileged children is the goal, children who are sick or hungry cannot make it to the playing field at all. Providing food, health care, and shelter are the starting points for a safe and healthy childhood that allow children to grow, learn, and eventually compete in the job market.”
Jennifer Baum – Professor, St. John’s University School of Law

“Children living in lower-income neighborhoods tend to be enrolled in schools with far fewer resources and a lower quality of instruction than children living in well-to-do neighborhoods. Evening out the distribution of dollars spent on education would be one of the most important ways of equalizing opportunity for children.”
Mark R. Rank – Professor, Washington University in St. Louis


Are elected officials placing a sufficiently high priority on the needs of underprivileged children? 

“No. We have a lot of different benefit programs, some of which undoubtedly help children. But a wide array of social problems that impact children remain inadequately addressed – parental substance dependency, child abuse, and neglect, failing and often segregated schools, juvenile homicide rates – and cannot be remedied solely through unconditional cash transfers.”
Sarah Font – Associate Professor, Pennsylvania State University

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