New Mexico House Majority Leader Stapleton Resigns Amid Corruption Investigation


Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton is in very deep, deep trouble. Pray for her Team Jesus, please.

News Release From the New Mexico Senate GOP Leaders:

Senate Republicans Leaders Respond to Resignation of Sheryl Williams Stapleton

SANTA FE – In response to media reports that the House Democratic Leader, Sheryl Williams Stapleton, has resigned, Senate Republican leaders today released the following statement:

“The evidence leveled against the former House Democratic Leader is damning and will further erode the public’s trust in our state government. New Mexico citizens deserve a full and extensive investigation into the allegations brought against Representative Stapleton.”

“Corruption by public officials has long plagued our state and we must send a message that no person, regardless of title or status, is above the law.”

Senate Republican Leader, Senator Greg Baca (District 29-Bernalillo and Valencia)
Senate Republican Whip, Senator Craig Brandt (District 40-Sandoval)
Senate Republican Caucus Chair, Senator Mark Moores (District 21-Bernalillo)

KOB TV has the report:

House majority leader resigns amid corruption investigation

More From the FGGAM Media Center:

New Mexico Law Enforcement Prepares For Pot Sales, Stoned Drivers Will Hit The Road

I think the Governor and her team has bitten off more than they can chew! As I have stated my position over the past several years LEGALIZING POT IS AWFUL!!! This is such a great evil. There will be Pot heads killing people driving stoned. This is all Law Enforcement needs…….more crime and deaths. Pot is bad for the body and it is mind alerting, we have enough of that in this state. Smoked marijuana, in any form, can harm lung tissues and cause scarring and damage to small blood vessels. Smoke from marijuana contains many of the same toxins, irritants, and carcinogens as tobacco smoke. Smoking marijuana can also lead to a greater risk of bronchitis, cough, and phlegm production.

“They said there will be more impaired drivers on the road but unlike alcohol, where they can take a breathalyzer test to figure out if someone is driving drunk, there is no set parameters for cannabis. The department wants to hire experts on the matter.”

Read about it here:

New Mexico State public safety department prepares for recreational marijuana sales to begin

How Pot Affects Your Mind and Body

‘Puffing and driving’: CDC reports nearly 50% spike in motorists hitting the road high

More from the FGGAM Media Center:

 FGGAM NEWS Received this news release late yesterday from the GOP House: 

Senators Greg Baca and Craig Brandt Respond to Governor’s Vax-or-Test Mandate for State Employees

SANTA FE – In response to Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s Executive Order mandating COVID vaccinations or regular testing for state employees, Senate Republican Leader, Senator Greg Baca (District 29-Bernalillo and Valencia), and Senate Republican Whip, Senator Craig Brandt (District 40-Sandoval), today released the following statement:

“There is no question that the Governor’s heavy-handed, conflicting policies over the past 16 months have contributed to the public angst and cynicism regarding vaccinations. The trust that was lost must now be earned and her continued threats and public shaming will not work.”

“We support our state employees’ rights to make a personal decision about what is injected in their bodies while also supporting a safe and healthy working environment. Both are possible and we urge our state agencies to work with their employees on reasonable arrangements so everyone can get back to serving the public.”

From Yesterday:

Lot’s going on in New Mexico with the Stapleton Corruption investigation and watching the Governors press conference today I feel another shutdown or partial shutdown coming if the COVID cases continue to climb, 400 yesterday. I pray that we do not go backwards, I do not think a lot of people in the state will stand for it. The Governor is very stubborn and that really showed during the press conference, and to me that showed me that she would shut us down again if she wants to. It’s her way or the highway. State employees will be required to be vaccinated or be tested on a regular basis. The Governor has two new Cabinet Secretaries. Also the Governor is sending 50 State Police Officers to patrol the City of Albuquerque because of the continued violence.

12 APS employees placed on paid leave pending  Stapleton corruption investigation

PED secretary steps down, governor appoints two new secretaries

State employees will be required to either be fully vaccinated or get tested regularly

UNM to require masks at Albuquerque campus, other sites

400 New COVID Cases

Laws allow businesses to require vaccinations

50 State Place Officers will be sent to Albuquerque to fight crime

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