Does Everything Belong to Jesus?


July 17, 2021
Today’s Daily Devotional


“And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.”


What does it mean for Jesus to be Lord of your life? First, it means entire submission. There can be no other king in your life. No person can serve two masters. Somebody has said it well: “He must be Lord of all if He is to be Lord at all.”

Second, it means His absolute ownership of all that you possess. What people do with possessions reveals whether or not Jesus Christ is Lord of their lives. Giving to the Lord is a tangible, visible expression of total surrender to Him. Giving represents your brains, your blood, your ability, your time, and your intellect. When you give, you are returning to the Lord. You demonstrate that everything belongs to Him and you are His steward.

  • Where is God calling you to further submit to Him as Lord?
  • How does your giving show evidence that Jesus is Lord of your life?


Make a list of practical ways you can live daily to show that Jesus is Lord and seek to walk in those ways.

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