Who Put You in Charge?


One of the biggest obstacles to our walk with the Lord is who is in charge of our lives, which is true for the church in general.

As children, and all too often adults, when someone would take the lead, we would ask, “Who put you in charge?”

Those with large egos would not be happy until all agreed that they were the boss. They often become angry with those who do not acknowledge it.

Such was the case with Dathan and Abiram, they accused Moses of arrogance, even though he was very humble. Moses had regarded himself as an unworthy leader, prophet, and redeemer.

He argued with the Lord that he did not have the skills needed for the job. It was not that he lacked self-esteem but when standing before the Creator of the universe, he simply had made a realistic assessment of his own worth.

We read in Numbers 16:3 that Korah and those who followed him “assembled together against Moses and Aaron, and said to them, ‘You have gone far enough, for all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is in their midst; so why do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the LORD?'”

These leaders had experienced the power of the Holy Spirit with signs such as prophecy and now they wondered why Moses should be in charge as they were just as special, just as ‘holy’.

They questioned whether Moses had been put in charge of them and they refused his authority in their lives.

Moses had never said that he was in charge, the most qualified, or the most important. He simply was chosen by God and declared the will of the Lord to the people of Israel. He never campaigned or volunteered for the position. He and Aaron were simply serving in the role God had appointed them.

Jesus makes it clear in Matthew 23:12 that, “Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.”

When we demand to be in charge and that everyone should listen to us, it doesn’t work out very well. When we humble ourselves and allow the Lord to place us where He wants us, it all goes so much better.

Like Moses, true humility is when we have a genuine sense of insignificance in the presence of the Lord and that is when we are exalted by God.

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