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THOUGHT PROVOKING! MUST READ! Why Youth Leave the Church!

Marc Yoder: Our kids are smart. They pick up on the message we unwittingly teach. If the church is simply a place to learn life-application principles to achieve a better life in community…you don’t need a crucified Jesus for that.

Pastor Dewey: The American Church must be challenged to do much better for our LORD!!!!!!!!!!
I am still mulling this message over in my mind. Many of the points hit home with me. I have to tell you I love the part that touches on the way some pastors dress, ‘trying to fit in’ with the youth! I am old fashion I still wear a suit and tie, taught back in Sunday School to do that. I have said for years much of the Church has turned into a high school pep rally. We are not giving our children what they need and deserve in a lot of cases. At FBC in Reserve, there is a growing youth program because Director Destre Ortega gives the children solid Biblical teaching and showing the kids the love of JESUS, and sets an excellent example to the children and parents as does Pastor Sheldon Wolf. Way too much fancy-dancy exists in many Churches in America. One other point about FBC in Reserve: CHILDREN ATTEND CHURCH WITH THE ADULTS!!! I am a firm believer that children be in Church with their parents. In my mind, it is part of the growth process and builds the body of Christ up! I could do a sermon on that! I am sad to say I do not see children in a lot of Churches! Many so-called Christians are also showing an unbelieving world what it wants to see by supporting ungodly politicians. I KNOW! I HEAR! The last few years as done great damage to the Bride of Christ. In the ministry God has given me and Sharon we minister to many that do not have a Church and the number one thing that is brought up is ‘how can people that call themselves Christians support such evil politicians?’ ON THE GROUND FOR GOD WE ARE HERE AT FGGAM, doing funerals for many that believe in our LORD that does not have a Church but does not have the desire to be around such dysfunction! I also hear that all the time when I am talking to people all over, in person, and on the phone!! Many Pastors stood with this dysfunction and still do. I hear this time and time again, many see such dysfunction in the Church, supporting evil. Preaching one thing and doing another thing. I am a Pastor, not a Republican or Democrat! I will never support politicians who use bad language, abusive behavior, treat women badly, lie……….Pastors are to lead by example, the example of JESUS, not politicians! Look at what it has created!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A MESS! What don’t adults get about the fact by accepting this type of behavior you’re telling our youth this ‘ugly’ is acceptable behavior!!!!!! So much of the Church has turned to the world and not JESUS!
The Church in America is losing generation after generation. Maybe this message from March Yoder will inspire you!


Marc Yoder

May 19, 2021

Our kids are smart. They pick up on the message we unwittingly teach. If the church is simply a place to learn life-application principles to achieve a better life in community…you don’t need a crucified Jesus for that.

Why would kids get up early on a Sunday and watch a cheap knockoff of the entertainment venue they went to the night before? The middle-aged pastor trying desperately to be “relevant” to them would be a comical cliché if the effect weren’t so devastating.

Why Youth Leave the Church: 10 Surprising Reasons

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