One side believes the Trump presidency was generationally damaging to Christian witness; another that it was enormously beneficial. One believes the former president attempted a coup; another that the Democrats stole the election.
“One group within American evangelicalism believes our religious liberties have never been more firmly established; another that they have never been at greater risk. One group believes racism is still systemic in American society; another that the systemic racism’ push is a progressive program to redistribute wealth and power to angry radicals. One is more concerned with the insurrection at the Capitol; another with the riots that followed the killing of George Floyd. One believes the Trump presidency was generationally damaging to Christian witness; another that it was enormously beneficial. One believes the former president attempted a coup; another that the Democrats stole the election. One believes masks and vaccines are marks of Christian love; another that the rejection of the same is a mark of Christian courage.”

Pastor Dewey Note:
I do not call myself a prophet at all…..but some do…I was called years ago by God to be a Pastor/watchman on the wall. It was prophesied over me years ago at a Time to Revive Revival in Ashville, NC. This quote from Billy Graham really hits home for me as many are afraid to speak a Biblical Worldview. Here is what Billy said, “The prophets who spoke to their generations for God did not please and conform, they opposed (anything that did not honor the Lord)
Too many so called Christians have conformed to the world.
I am reading Franklin Graham’s book, “Through My Gather’s Eyes” I strongly encourage you to read it!
Doctors often prescribe purifying the body of toxins. The Bible tells us how to cleanse the mind of corruption: meditate on things that are pure and virtuous (Philippians 4:8). It is God’s recipe for having the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:26) Do we? Franklin Graham in his book “Through My Father’s Eyes”
Billy Graham said, “True freedom in Christ consists not in the freedom to sin, but the freedom not to sin.” Billy continues, “Millions of professing Christians are only that—-‘professing.’ They have never possessed Christ. They live lives characterized by the flesh. Tens of thousands have never been born again. They will go into eternity lost.”