Spiritual Warfare is on in New Mexico and our entire nation…….
Human history shows that the natural mind becomes progressively self-destructive if left to its own desires. People who are directed by their natural minds walk in darkness and have incorrect thinking. Please read Eph. 4:17,18
Just what I predicted, as the New Mexico Republican party is a mess. The party needs new leadership, out with the old GOP and in with the new, does the GOP have a plan? The Party as a whole has been greatly damaged by all of its dysfunction. The insurrection at our Nations Capitol did horrific damage to our Country and to the GOP, and the continued division within the party. The New Mexico GOP Party did an awful job by not responding to the Satanic movement the day of the Insurrection. It was so very silent. It seems to me that many Americans do not really know the horrific damage that was done that dreadful day. The reason for this blindness is that Satan has blindfolded many. I am greatly sadden to see what has happened to the GOP. The GOP is showing the Dems just what it wants to see. Now let me clear, I am not a supporter of the Dems, I am an Independent. I do not support abortion. We are in an awful mess with this two party system that is killing America. Right now the GOP would lose the Governors seat to Michelle Lujan Grisham, because they lack new blood, new ideas, they also face the fact that New Mexico votes for anti-life candidates. New Mexico kills God’s babies, assisted suicide, booze, drunk driving that kills, now home delivery of booze, legalized pot, now pot heads will drive and kill. New Mexico loves to feed addictions. The tide has turned very strongly against God in New Mexico and America. Satan is having his way with so very many. This landslide victory by Stansbury is a nail in the coffin of the GOP in New Mexico. The GOP keeps preaching to the choir, but their choir is getting smaller. I do not know about you, but it seemed every time I turned on local TV I saw so many ads for Stansbury, much less ads for Moores. The history of the New Mexico GOP is that it does not support its candidates with ad money like the Dems do.
We are living in a country that does not have to work to get a pay check now the state of New Mexico is giving away money to encourage people to get vaccinated. New Mexico and America love FREE MONEY! TAX PAYERS MONEY!!!!!!!!!! State reports uptick in vaccination sign-ups after sweepstakes announcement
Forget about the Dems, why does the GOP show America such dysfunction within its party? The GOP will not attract younger and new supporters with their current behavior.
I am praying for a Third party.
What does Stansbury’s CD-1 victory mean for the future?
Albuquerque Journal pollster Brian Sanderoff called the race for Stansbury after early returns showed she had built an insurmountable lead over state Sen. Mark Moores, an Albuquerque Republican. Stansbury wins in a landslide Stansbury had 60% of the vote, while Moores had 36%.
New Mexico state Rep. Melanie Stansbury (D) on Tuesday defeated Republican state Sen. Mark Moores in the special election to fill the House seat formerly held by Interior Secretary Deb Haaland. |
Read the developing report here |
We are witnessing a total breakdown of America. Many Pastors no longer preach hell. Many preach sugar to attract people. We are paying a very deep, ugly price for that. The Church as a whole loves to preach to the choir and not carry out The Great Commission. Organized religion is eroding in America. The Body of Christ must build bridges with those that do not know Jesus. We must Build bridges of trust and love, then truth! I was doing that yesterday on the streets of Albuquerque on the east side. What non-believers see from too many so called Christians is bad behavior.
My goodness, the American Church as a whole is asleep at the wheel, we are losing generation after generation to Satan. We are paying a deep price for this. Our country is a stinking mess. I am not a popular newsman or preacher, I do not care. I lose friends as the days go on. I love my Lord, I seek Him every breathe I take, so that I do not say or do stupid things. Sharon and I risked our future going into ministry, this is not a game, it is saving souls. The American Church fell in love with itself, that is what I beleive it will be remembered for, that and as the late, great man of God, Chuck Colson said, “The church has turned into a high school pep rally.” Under my watch as a pastor and all pastors, we all will be held accountable.
I love the preaching of Billy Graham, Adrian Rogers and Charles Stanley. They ‘put the real stuff’ out there. Heaven and hell. No high school pep rallies for them.
Two subjects that the LORD has me focusing on is The Great Commission and Spiritual Warfare. Please share with you pastor and friends this information.
This is an outstanding explanation of Spiritual warfare. When is the last time you have been given a lesson on Spiritual Warfare?
God’s Mission Has an Enemy: 10 Facts about Spiritual Warfare
New Mexico state Rep. Melanie Stansbury (D) on Tuesday defeated Republican state Sen. Mark Moores in the special election to fill the House seat formerly held by Interior Secretary Deb Haaland. |
Read the developing report here |
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Q: Why is Satan called the father of lies? – F.L.
A: The devil is aptly named the “father of lies.” From the beginning, he’s deceived gullible people of every age. An old Scottish clergyman said the devil has two lies, which he uses at two different stages. Before we commit a sin, he tells us that one little sin doesn’t matter; it’s a trifle, and we can easily recover ourselves again. The second lie is this: After we’ve sinned, he tells us it is hopeless, we’re given over to sin and shouldn’t attempt to overcome. Both are total and terrible lies.
We’ve all fallen, and God doesn’t consider this a trifle. Judgment hangs over the whole human race because of our rebellion and disobedience. The Scripture tells us that sin entered the world through one man, and through Adam sin brought death; all people are sinners (Romans 5:12). However, because Jesus Christ came and died on the cross and rose from the dead, we’re not in hopelessness. We’re in a position to be reconciled to God and put back into a right relationship with Him.
We don’t need to believe the devil’s lies. Satan is the master of the ultimate double-talk. He calls evil good and continues to confuse people with his cleverly disguised untruths.
Man has always been dexterous at confusing evil with good. That was the problem that Adam and Eve had, and it’s our problem today. If evil were not made to appear attractive, there’d be no such thing as temptation. It’s in the close similarity between good and evil, right and wrong, that the danger lies. The Bible says, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil” (Isaiah 5:20). Belonging to Christ and feeding on His Word will keep us close to Him
I have said many that QAnon is evil! I have lost friends because of the fact they joined this cult! They attacked me for standing against their evil. Many Pastors remain silent against this evil. The Church is being hurt by being silent on this issue, many just shake their heads, including me at the silence. It is just like the January 6th insurrection on our Nations Capitol!!! Many Christians stand silent on this act of treason. Many Christians also remain silent on foul mouth, horrible acting politicians. Any man or women who uses foul language, acts crazy and says horrible things about people should be rebuked. It has hurt the Church very badly it has shown an unbelieving world just what it wants to see from Christians, acceptance of this behavior. The Church is losing membership, Satan is having his way with so very many. To me, January 6th was one of the darkest days in the history of America and many are getting away with treason! I am really disappointed in the GOP trying to bury this issue!!! The GOP Party has imploded, what are they? I know this, It is no longer the party of Ronald Reagan, it has not creditability with me, and the Dems are lost in space also. The America people have a right to the truth! It is a cover up! This entire situation has damaged America and the Church more than many realize! Unbelievers love to see Christians acting badly.
People that use bad language, attack people with harsh words, are of very low intelligence. They are fools. I do not talk to fools. The Bible teaches us so.
Proverbs 26:4…. Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him.
I am very exhausted by the all the conspiracy theories of Christians, it has worn me down to to the bone, I get so very discouraged. I see the damage to the Bride of Christ. I see the declining attendance in many Churches, I see Pastors swept away by politics, I see some in hiding and not addressing these issues. I am very discouraged at this point, I am constantly praying to my Lord and I have great friends who help me and Sharon to keep going.
Theologian Russell Moore Says QAnon Has ‘All of the Characteristics of a Cult’
From Brandon Cox:
We’re currently living in a cultural climate in which those most vulnerable to a raging and rapidly spreading virus are asking the rest of us to look out for them. People of color who have suffered at the hands of unjust systems and unequal opportunities are wondering if anyone who is privileged or has power will hear their stories and stand with them as allies. Generic preaching is easy, but choosing sides on these issues will cost you. Clarity will cost you. Boldness will cost you.
But clarity is ultimately kind.
Chances are, if you’re a preacher reading this blog post during the year 2020, it has already cost you, hasn’t it? You need to know that it’s okay. You’re not alone. You’re not the only one suffering loss. The only preachers I know who aren’t hurting are those who are sticking to the script. If you’ve been bold enough to go off script, stay on track. If you retreat now, you will have paid the cost for naught.
From Dr. Jim Denison:
These lyrics by Casting Crowns convict me every time I hear them:
If we are the body,
Why aren’t his arms reaching?
Why aren’t his hands healing?
Why aren’t his words teaching?
And if we are the body
Why aren’t his feet going?
Why is his love not showing them there is a way?
Jesus paid much too high a price
For us to pick and choose who should come
And we are the body of Christ.
Aren’t we?
This Is No Time for Generic Preaching

Why Christians Should Listen Carefully and Speak With Kindness
NASHVILLE (RNS) — The nation’s largest Protestant denomination continues to get smaller.
There were 14 million Southern Baptists in 2020, according to a new report released Thursday (May 20) by Lifeway Christian Resources, which compiles official denominational statistics. That number is down 435,632 members since 2019 and 2.3 million from 2006, when the Southern Baptist Convention reached 16.3 million members.
“COVID-19 clearly impacted in-person attendance,” Scott McConnell, executive director of Lifeway Research, said in a statement announcing the report. “Throughout much of the year, churches tried to find the right balance of both in-person and online events.”
Southern Baptists, long known for denominational infighting, have seen several high-profile departures of leaders in the past year, including Bible teacher Beth Moore, ethicist Russell Moore, and a number of Black pastors. The SBC has also faced controversy over revelations of abuse, disputes over support for Donald Trump and a debate over critical race theory.
Find Out What’s Making 2 Million Members Flee the Southern Baptist Convention