Careless Words


Numbers chapter 12 reveals that the family of Moses was not all that different from most families. Miriam and Aaron, the siblings of Moses had some beef with the wife of Moses. The bible doesn’t tell us what the issue was, but it brings up her racial heritage by describing her as a Cushite woman.

Miriam and Aaron complained about the authority Moses had and the fact that they too had received visions from the Lord. What’s interesting and instructive about this passage is that they were grumbling to each other in what they thought was a private conversation.

“and they said, “Is it a fact that the Lord has spoken only through Moses? Has He not spoken through us as well?” And the Lord heard this.” (Numbers 12:2)

Let’s face it, Miriam and Aaron were like every sibling ever. I mean who has not griped about the in-laws, who hasn’t griped about the people in charge, especially if those people are family?

Yet, Jesus taught us that every careless or idle word is heard and recorded. The Lord hears it all!

“But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Matthew 12:36-37)

Imagine having a good gripe session with the other family members who agree with you, getting to the things that really bother you when suddenly, the Lord calls a meeting.

The Lord called Moses, Miriam, and Aaron to the tent of meeting and revealed that He had heard all of the conversation that Moses had no clue had happened.

The punishment was immediate and visible as Miriam was struck with leprosy. For this reason, leprosy has been associated with gossip and bad speech. But it raises the question; why was only Miriam struck with leprosy and Aaron left untouched?

Some scholars think that Miriam was the one who started the complaining or that she said something much worse than Aaron. There is also a tradition that shows up among Jewish scholars and even in the writings of Clement the disciple of Peter that Aaron had been struck with leprosy too, but it was not recorded out of respect for the office of the high priest.

We should remember that words matter and what we say, even in private, is still heard by the Lord. When we speak careless words about others in the body of Christ, it has an impact. We should resist the urge and build up instead of tear down.

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