I have written before how so very many Pastors did not speak out against the evils of QAnon and the Jan. 6th insurrection and the awful behavior of many politicians. By not speaking out against this evil behavior they did great damage to the Bride of Christ. Too many Pastors drank the political Kool-Aid. I am still astounded by the silence. Many Pastors are blinded by their politics.
From Dr. Jim Denison:
Evangelical Christians certainly have reasons for anxiety these days.
A USA Today writer called on AT&T Stadium, home of the Dallas Cowboys, to cancel the Promise Keepers Men’s Conference scheduled for July 16 and 17, claiming that the stadium is “helping to mainstream hate speech.” Vandals toppled a statue of Jesus and burned an American flag outside a Catholic church in Brooklyn, New York.
A federal judge denied a request from the College of the Ozarks, a Christian university in Missouri, to be exempted from a Biden administration directive that allows biological men who “identify” as female to live in women’s dormitories. An emeritus professor of neuroscience and psychology at Duke University has been removed from an American Psychological Association email group for suggesting there are only two sexes.
A new study found that 43 percent of millennials “don’t know, don’t care, don’t believe God exists.” And LifeWay Research reported this week that for the year 2019, Protestant church closures outpaced church openings in the US.
In a CNN Business article highlighting two pastors on a mission to stop QAnon theories among evangelicals, Billy Graham‘s granddaughter, Jerushah Duford, said, “I’m not sure Jesus would be welcomed in an American church today.”
Who Is Billy Graham’s Granddaughter?
Duford’s mother is author Virginia ‘Gigi’ Graham, the oldest of the five children children from the late evangelist Reverend Billy and Ruth Graham. Duford’s father, Stephan Tchividjian, who used to work as a clinical psychologist and Baptist minister, now serves as the founder and president of the Board of the National Christian Foundation of South Florida, and as the co-executive director of Lifework Leadership of South Florida. Duford is one of six children. Two of her brothers are well-known in the evangelical communities, Basyle ‘Boz’ Tchividjian was a former child abuse prosecutor who has been helping church abuse victims find justice and Tullian Tchividjian was the former pastor of a megachurch in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, until infidelity within his caused him to step down.
Billy Graham’s Granddaughter Says ‘I’m Not Sure Jesus Would Be Welcomed in an American Church Today’