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Israel Election: Political Deadlock Continues, but an Arab Islamist Party Could Choose Next PM

äéåí, 26/03/2006 , ðòøëå áçéøåú áîçðåú öä"ì äùåðéí áîèøä ìàôùø ìçééìéí ìîîù àú æëåúí äãîå÷øèéú. áúîåðä ðøàéí çééìéí îöáéòéí áîåöá øàù äð÷øä åîô÷ãú òåöáú áøòí ùáôé÷åã äöôåï. öéìåí: àáéø ñåìèï,ãåáø öä"ì


An Arab Islamist political party could end up being the deal breaker that determines who will be Israel’s next prime minister. As ballot-counting continues, it’s clear that neither those who favor Netanyahu or those who oppose him have a clear 61-seat majority needed to form a government. The Arab Ra’am party appears to have the seats both sides need to get a majority and form a stable government, dramatically shifting the political landscape.

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