If you have a roof over your head, heat and water you are so super blessed. Many people in the world have no home. no water and no heat..all over this modern day world. Poverty and sickness is an epidemic in this world. Our dear friends in Texas are going through a tough situation right now. Things we and they have taken for granted have been taken away from may in Texas. America is facing huge problems right now, life and death issues. The Country is so very divided and full of hate. Will peace ever come again to America? I have my doubts. We are a failing Country. Seek the face of JESUS. Read your Bible and pray, let the LORD guide you through every day and cling to all of his promise. I tell you BIBLICAL TRUTH. Seek JESUS. Many Americans refuse JESUS.
The good news is that JESUS wins in the end! I pray that you have JESUS in your heart.
Lord, thank you for the heat and comfort in our home, Lord thank you for our safety, let us never forget all these comforts. Lord we pray for those that have no home and safety, our hearts break for them. Lord thank you for my lovely wife Sharon and loyal Daisy who adds such love to our home. Thank you for the food you provide to us and all the friends and supporters of FGGAM that helps keep us going. Lord thank you for all the smiles and laughs that Sharon and I share, thank you for YOUR PURE JOY! Thank you for all our children and grandchildren that they are safe and sound and that YOU look after them daily. So many things to be thankful Lord, I pray all of us stop looking at the world so much, the ‘nothing noise’ the ‘air pollution’ that is used to distract us from YOUR GLORY!!! Lord, thank you for forming FGGAM and having me look after this ministry it is such blessing to write and talk about you all the time! in JESUS name we give you all GLORY, AMEN!
PS LORD: I pray we all learn more that all we need to do is sit still and have a conversation with you.
Many say global warming is killing the planet, but it is the ‘nothing noise’ of the world..all things that go against our LORD JESUS CHRIST. All the hate, lies, conspiracy theories, QAnon, Proud Boys, Cancel Culture ..all these things equal hell.
Please read this message from Pastor Leonard Navarre, one of my greatest friends and mentors that has influenced my life so very great! Pastor Leonard really nails it in his post about the struggle of the American Church which is losing its influence:
Around the world we see persecution on the rise. Or, maybe its just that we are looking more closely at the progression of indifference and apathy here in America. In the countries I have served, especially India, persecutions of Christians has been around for a long time. I have read of great persecution and abuse in China. India, China, Africa and North Korea have the greatest persecution. However, it is in those countries where there is persecution that you find the church of our Lord Jesus Christ growing and growing exponentially. WHY? What is going on in the “church” here in America that we don’t see exponential growth. Why is there so much division.
Why is there no exponential growth in the American Church? By Pastor Leonard Navarre
Texans warned to boil and conserve water as power outages persist
After enduring multiple days of freezing temperatures and Texans dripping faucets to prevent frozen pipes from bursting, cities across the state warned Wednesday that water levels are dangerously low, and it may be unsafe to drink.
Read in The Texas Tribune: https://apple.news/A4JNa5FSQS36Qb3DnPVkcLw
Icicles hanging from a ceiling fan, a frosted cactus: Texas is frozen in surreal photos
Historic winter weather has frozen much of Texas, leading to surreal scenes in regions of the state that are known for being hot and dry.
Read in USA TODAY: https://apple.news/AG30dSrh8TeGgus0e2oskhg
Texas officials didn’t heed warnings before winter storm power outages, experts say
Texas officials knew winter storms could leave the state’s power grid vulnerable, but they left the choice to prepare for harsh weather up to the power companies — many of which opted against the costly upgrades. That, plus a deregulated energy market largely isolated from the rest of the country’s power grid, left the state alone to deal with the crisis, experts said.
Read in The Texas Tribune: https://apple.news/AcAk8AuRvRuqf6nQKuU_ENg
Shared from Apple News
Texas snow: Mayor quits after ‘only strong will survive’ post
Colorado City’s mayor posted “no-one owes you or your family anything”, amid a deadly winter storm.
Read in BBC News: https://apple.news/AuvDvwmLzQQOSF0eSZz5KaQ

I asked Brother Danny Whatley (Pictured above) of the
The Rock at Noon Day in Albuquerque to lead us in prayer……..
Father, we ask that you watch over and keep those who, because of their present situation find themselves on the street and without adequate shelter. We pray for protection and provision for those in this situation. We ask Father that you would guide those who are homeless, give them the wisdom they need to take advantage of the services that are provided so they might be safe. We pray Father that in the beauty of Your world, even in these days of snow, cold and wind, that those who have not accepted Your provision of salvation, that in Your creation they see the truth of Your word and Your promise of eternal life in and through salvation. Father we also pray for those who are housed and relatively safe during this dangerous weather that they would recognize needs and use their resources to assist those less fortunate. We also ask Father that you grant us wisdom and guide us and not allow those of us that have been blessed to not be judgmental of those who for whatever reason find themselves in the situation that the homeless, hungry and hurting find themselves. Lord remind us that Your Son, my Savior Jesus not only died for me, but for those we consider to be unworthy. We thank you in advance for hearing us, guiding us and providing what we need. We pray this in Jesus name, Amen