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Life amid the ruins of QAnon: ‘I wanted my family back’

I am very sick and tired of these CULTS like QAnon, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and other crazed groups. I have seen people go head over heels for these CULTS! Some have brought them into the Church!!!!! EVIL! EVIL!  Thank the Lord for all those that have returned to the Kingdom of God. Be very careful of the Pastors and politicians that do not DENOUNCE these groups! I have lost ‘Christian friends’ because of my stance on this EVIL! Many of these same people did great damage to America’s fight against COVID saying it was a conspiracy! I do not care what it was…..over a half million Americans have died and I have lost many friends from COVID! Try telling your conspiracy theories to the ones that have lost loved ones. I am working with many people that have lost loved ones, pray for the family of Mary Jane of Albuquerque who died last week of COVID, and Arlene, who now lives in Las Vegas, her Mom died of COVID here in Albuquerque….I am still grieving the loss of many including my Dear Freind Midge from FBC in Reserve and my Dear friend Lou who died of COVID 3 weeks after his lovely wife Vicky died of cancer. I was blessed to do the funeral service for both. I have many people that are having breathing problems months after having COVID. One of my friends is having problems from time to time keeping her balance after having COVID. Look at COVID like JESUS is! I could start a ‘COVID ministry’ the effects of anxiety and depression is very high right now. Yesterday I got a call from our neighbor, who is a widow living alone. She said, “Dewey I need your help!” I ran over and we called 911 and the Fire Department and Ambulance came. Kathy is in the hospital, I know the world has taken a toll on her. Please pray for her! Christians need to be very sensitive to the ‘hurts’ of many and not have harden hearts. What are you showing the world?

You will also read below about the growing number of Christians bringing their conspiracy theories into the Church! SHAME! This is doing great damage to the Body of Christ and the whole Country!

From Dr. Jim Denison:

Christianity offers the hope of moral transformation for those who follow Jesus and submit to the Spirit. To this I would add that Christianity offers a unique hope of such transformation.

The natural cannot change the natural. Humans cannot change human nature. The prophet was right: “I know, O Lord, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps” (Jeremiah 10:23).


Many Christian are not planted firmly into the Word of God and let the world sway them to the ways of Satan.

QAnon shows an unbelieving world what it wants to see from crazy Christians.

Words of Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) President Russell Moore:

The sight of “Jesus Saves” and “God Bless America” signs by those violently storming the Capitol is about more than just inconsistency. It is about a picture of Jesus Christ and of his gospel that is satanic. The mixing of the Christian religion with crazed and counter-biblical cults such as Q-Anon is telling the outside world that this is what the gospel is. That’s a lie, and it is blasphemous against a holy God. An Unholy Alliance: Christianity and Nationalism

Devotees of the QAnon conspiracy theory have been arrested for murder, kidnapping, terrorism, vandalizing churches, derailing a train, and threatening public officials. Protesters claiming that coronavirus is not real and that vaccines are dangerous recently shut down a mass vaccination site at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles.

According to a new study by Lifeway Research, 49 percent of Protestant pastors in the US say they frequently hear members of their congregation repeat conspiracy theories. Today, we will examine one such theory, then we will use it as a case study to emphasize the urgency of reason for our culture and our faith.

Life amid the ruins of QAnon: ‘I wanted my family back’
An epidemic of conspiracy, fanned by social media and self-serving politicians, is tearing families apart.

Read in The Washington Post:

Shared from Apple News

I have become dear friends with Scott and LaDonna Loss. They are from Albuquerque and they are on fire for JESUS! They are pictured at the very top of this post. Yesterday I posted much on the cult QAnon, I took some heat as usual. I do not argue with people on Facebook or messenger, or by text and email. I do not engage with foolish behavior. The Bible tells us that we should not engage with fools. Proverbs 23:9 Don’t waste your breath on fools, for they will despise the wisest advice.

Hi Pastor Dewey, here is my experience with Q and how the Lord pulled me away from it. Feel free to use whatever you want. Thank you for allowing me to share my testimony.
Instead of reading my Bible, I was reading “Q drops.”
Instead of praying and talking to the Lord, I was chatting with other Q followers online. It was like trying to solve a riddle, constantly looking for updates and watching videos about it. I was utterly obsessed. When I look back, I was getting so sucked into the Q’s rabbit hole that I was idolizing the Q movement and Trump…any day now, the darkness would be exposed, Trump would save us all, and everything would be fuzzy bunnies again in the USA. Instead, there’s been nothing but hate, discord, violence and betrayal. There haven’t been any big arrests, the darkness remains, and it will remain until the second coming of Jesus Christ. Period.
Colossians 1:13
“For He (Jesus, NOT Trump or Q) rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son…”
Did Trump love the world so much that He was physically nailed to a cross in order to restore our country? Has ANYTHING happened that Q promised? Proverbs 20:17 says, “Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.”
Are Q followers mouths not filled with gravel, now that Biden has been inaugurated?
The Bible warns us many times about falling into the web of deceit and chasing after man’s ideas.
 Titus 3:3-7
“For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another.”
Colossians 2:8
“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”
I fell into Q’s rabbit hole of deceit. I’m so grateful that the Holy Spirit warned me, loud and clear, before I got into it so deeply that I completely forgot about Jesus Christ, what He has done for me, and my hope of eternal life with Him. Perhaps I would’ve ended up at the Capitol riot on January 6, who knows? Only God knows.
Thank you LaDonna Loss for sharing with us! God Bless you and Scott! We love you both so very much!
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