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Ethel Maharg: “This battle is far from over and it is always too soon to quit”

New Mexico Pro-Life Leader Ethel Maharg

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February 22, 2021
Hello Everyone,
Last week, was a rough one. On Friday there was testimony on the House floor concerning SB 10, and after 3 hours of debate and very compelling arguments for amending this bill. it passed with a vote of 40-30. Big surprise, right? The proponents of the bill would not hear of protecting our doctors from retaliation in spite of evidence that our state is one of 19 states that have already been enjoined in a lawsuit that removes conscience protection. They refused to protect women by adhering to any standard of care for them, and our young girls are left wide open to continue to be abused by sex offenders or traffickers.
Three hours were also spent on debating HB 47 concerning Assisted suicide. Again our Representative fought for conscience protections for doctors and a longer waiting period for patients. There is much concern about the potential for abuse of elderly patients and the refusal of insurance companies to cover much need medical care in favor of a less expensive alternative. Yes that is suicide. It fell on deaf ears and passed 39-27
It was painful to watch and I could not have been more proud of our representatives. They put up a valiant fight and should be commended. I am so grateful for them. Thank you Representatives for your efforts, they did not go unnoticed.
What was a surprise were some of the votes. Some were very disappointing, to say the least.  I have attached them so you can see the votes for yourselves. Click here for SB 10 Senate Click here for SB 10 House vote.
Click here for HB 47 House vote.
This battle is far from over and it is always too soon to quit. Is it sad? you bet. Is it ugly? Absolutely. Is it too late? NEVER! Folks this did not happen over night and it isn’t going to turn around overnight. The Governor may have her little celebration, but let’s make certain it is short lived. For now, give her a call or two and tell not to sign these life ending bills. 505-476-2200  Click here to send her an email.
Thank you all for all you do for the cause of life.
God bless,
My Favorite Right is Life! 
Ethel Maharg
Executive Director
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