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Yield Yourself to Christ

January 22, 2021
Today’s Daily Devotional


“…present [yield] yourselves to God…”


I heard about a man who entered an interstate out of a side road and did not even slow down. A big eighteen-wheeler pulled over, almost wrecking him. The truck driver leaned out of the window and yelled, “Hey, didn’t you see that sign?” The man said, “What sign?” The trucker said, “That sign that said Y-I-E-L-D.” “Oh,” he said, “I opened the window and yield as loud as I could.”

In the matter of victory, it is not your ability or your responsibility that counts. It is not even your response to His ability. You must choose to yield to Christ. You are to yield with all of your heart to the power, the presence, and the provision of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Look up the definition of “yield.” What does it say about the right of way? Who has the “right of way” in your life? Come before the Lord and surrender all of you to all of Him today.

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