January 18, 2021
Today’s Daily Devotional
There’s a story about the devil auctioning off his tools. He put a high price on pride, laziness, arrogance, hate, envy, and jealousy. But there was one tool labeled “Not For Sale.” Someone said, “What is that tool and why isn’t it for sale?” “Well,” he said, “I can’t afford to get rid of that one. It’s my chief tool: discouragement. With this tool, I can pry open a heart, and once I get in, I can do most anything I want.”
Do you want me to tell you why you get discouraged? I’ll give it to you in a nutshell—you’ve taken your eyes off God!
Are you discouraged? If not, praise God! Find someone who is so that you can give the encouragement needed in Jesus Christ. Maybe it’s your next-door neighbor, your coworker, or your spouse.
Hear the latest radio message
How to Have a Spirit-Filled Life | Part 1
Ephesians 5:18
The Christian life is a blessing, but if we don’t understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit, it can feel more like a burden. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how to have a spirit-filled life.
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God Has Accepted Us
Grace is God’s acceptance of us. Faith is our acceptance of God’s acceptance of us.
What we do with Jesus is an unavoidable decision each of us will make. What will you do with Jesus? Read the full article here.
Grow in your faith with scripture memory in 2021. Your weekly email challenge will contain a short reflection on a given topic accompanied by several promises from scripture —challenge yourself to memorize at least one. God’s word + your heart = a faith-filled future! Sign up here!
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