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PTL!!! PTL!!! Franklin Graham Calls for Trump-Biden Meeting to Heal Our Country!

I pray that this will take place. I am thankful for Franklin Graham for urging President Trump to sit down with President-elect Biden. I am sure this is what Billy would do also! We need Christian leaders to step up to the plate and call for unity and bring peace to our Country. Way too many SO CALLED Christian leaders feed the division with their politics and many remain silent afraid to speak out against this horrible violence that has resulted in deaths and destruction, they let their political view prevail instead of GOD’S WAYS! SHAME! I tell you I have reported threatened violence, I have called the FBI! To have people that say they are Christians to say, “the streets will be filled with blood” is so very Satanic. Pastors need to step up and be ambassadors for Christ, not for thugs!

I have stated for years on radio, TV and here at FGGAM that way too many Christians, including Pastors, have made politicians and politics their god. Many Christians are showing an unbelieving world just what it wants to see, crazy Christians saying and doing bad things.

Franklin Graham calls for Trump-Biden meeting to heal the nation

I have said for years beware of false prophets! Some make a living of being fakes

GOOD READ!!! 5 rules every Christian should follow when talking politics

YES! I may seem hard on the Church and Pastors, Christian leaders all need to be Ambassadors for Christ, not politicians! The Church is the bride of Christ, too many abuse the Bride of Christ, they use it for personal gain. They become blinded by their politics. The Church is greatly responsible for the breakdown of America. The Church has lost its influence in America. The late, great Chuck Colson said years and years ago the American Church had become like a high school pep rally.” Way too many Pastors put the salt on the shelf and replaced it with the candy jar. The Church also fell in love with politicians that are filled with flaws like you and me, but too many have made politicians a god.

Matthew 5:13 

“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.

Many Pastors and Church leaders no longer carry out The Great Commission. They think social media has replaced a command from our LORD! NO! Pastors have to hit the streets and face whatever is thrown at us! Wear a mask and hit the road and evangelize. Too many stay within their walls and preach to the choir. With Church attendance continuing to fall in America…what is it now? just 20% of all Americans go to Church on Sunday but with the pandemic…what is it now???? The Church is continuing to lose its influence in America. I encourage Pastors to get out of your walls, get off social media a couple of hours each day and go evangelize. Stop preaching to the choir so much, carry out the Great Commission! How many people have you baptized in your Church this year?

The Great Commission

16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Read full chapter

January 10, 2021

Sunday Reflection: What Freedom Is and Isn’t


To get the most out of this devotion, set aside time to read the Scripture referenced throughout.

Today, we are bombarded by strong messages about freedom and how to obtain it. Whether we’re watching TV, listening to the radio, scrolling through social media, or reading the news, the message is consistent: The heart of freedom in the world is about making our own way, living life on our terms and without constraints.

Yet in order to be free as the world understands it, we must be in control—we have to be the supreme being directing our life. There’s one enormous problem with this: We’re human. And in our humanity, which is complicated by a tendency to sin, we can’t see objectively. Our vision is clouded by biases and desires and an abundance of pride.

The Lord tells us that to be truly liberated, we must submit to Him. (See Rom. 6:20-23.) He says that if we willingly give up our life, we’ll find the freedom and fullness we’ve always longed to experience. A freedom that will last forever.

Think about it
• How has the world’s definition of freedom impacted your life? Can you see its influence in your choices?

• Which aspects of life do you try hardest to control? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal anything you’re afraid to release to God.

Bible in One Year: Genesis 32-35

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