PRAY TEAM JESUS! BREAKING: TWO DEATHS ON FRIDAY!! Murders Surge in Albuquerque! Woman Arrested for Threating People With Shotgun! Delivering Booze to People’s Homes???


Well, you think that delivering booze to people’s homes is going to make all of us safer!!!??? This one really bothers my God given discernment! Next we will have pot delivered to homes! Why would the Legislature pour gas on a wildfire of alcoholism, drunk driving, violent crime, etc…..this makes no sense to me!!!! This one is enough to make my head spin! IT’S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!! JUST LIKE LEGALIZING POT! YET!!! MANY ARE FOR KILLING GOD’S BABIES! SHAME ON THEM!

NEW MEXICO CONTINUES TO GO TO POT! I can smell the smoke from hell from here!

Albuquerque and the state of New Mexico are more dangerous than ever!

Two More Deaths on Friday! Satan is having his way with many in New Mexico

Alcohol delivery bill passes first Senate committee

Woman arrested for threatening to shoot people with shotgun

Murders Surge in Albuquerque

APD battles surge of homicides across ABQ

Satan is having his way with many in America, so many are off the track and blinded by Satan, walking in darkness, many do not even know it!

Why is the World full of evil?

“So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts” Eph 4: 17, 18.

The Scriptures call the mind of the natural man “blinded” 2 Cor. 4:4, “depraved” Romans 1:28, “corrupt” 1 Tim. 6:5, and “unspiritual” Col. 2:18. The natural mind thinks from a humanistic, sin-debased viewpoint. The viewpoint of the flesh directs its thoughts. The sinful mind is under the control of Satan and can never please God because it concentrates on things of the world and not things of the Spirit. The natural mind walks the road of hopelessness and self-destruction.

America, Be Careful or you will destroy each other

New Mexico Has the 9th Slowest Recovery for Weekly Unemployment Claims in the U.S. – WalletHub Study

Despite the fact that the U.S. has been dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic for over a year, new unemployment claims decreased week-over-week on January 18, and were 88% below the peak during the COVID-19 pandemic. To help add some context to these statistics, WalletHub just released updated rankings for the States Whose Weekly Unemployment Claims Are Recovering the Quickest, along with accompanying videos and audio files.

To identify which states’ workforces are experiencing the quickest recovery from COVID-19, WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across three metrics based on changes in unemployment claims. Below, you can see highlights from the report, along with a WalletHub Q&A. To see the states most recovered since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, click here.

Change in New Mexico Weekly Unemployment Claims (1=Quickest Recovery, 25=Avg.):

  • 422.85% Change in Unemployment Claims (Latest Week vs 2019)
    • 4,690 the week of January 18, 2021 vs 897 the week of January 21, 2019
    • 11th slowest recovery in the U.S.
  • 486.98% Change in Unemployment Claims (Latest Week vs Start of 2020)
    • 4,690 the week of January 18, 2021 vs 799 the week of January 1, 2020
    • 7th slowest recovery in the U.S.
  • 930.21% Change in Unemployment Claims (Since Start of COVID-19 Crisis vs Previous Year)
    • 347,081 between the week of March 16, 2020 and the week of January 18, 2021 vs 37,312 between the week of March 18, 2019 and the week of January 20, 2020
    • 13th slowest recovery in the U.S.

To view the full report and your state’s rank, please visit:

WalletHub Q&A

How might a state’s efficiency at administering the COVID-19 vaccine affect unemployment?

“States that are able to more efficiently vaccinate their residents will likely see better job growth than states that are less efficient. The more a state vaccinates, the safer conditions in that state will become and the sooner businesses will be able to fully reopen and have the resources to expand hiring,” said Jill Gonzalez, WalletHub analyst. “Currently, some states are far more efficient than others. For example, North Dakota has used over 90% of its vaccine supply, while Kansas has only used a little over 45%.”

How could the fact that vaccine rollout is slower than expected affect unemployment?

“Since vaccine rollout is slower than expected, that could slow the reduction in the unemployment rate this year. Without having most of the population vaccinated, we can’t achieve a full recovery, which means businesses will continue to not be able to hire in full force,” said Jill Gonzalez, WalletHub analyst. “If we can put more resources into achieving widespread vaccination, we can expect to make bigger strides in reducing unemployment. We should be concerned with educating people on the benefits of getting vaccinated, too, so that a higher percentage of the population will choose to receive the vaccine.”

How do red states and blue states compare when it comes to recovery?

“With an average rank of 28 among the most recovered states, blue states had a worse recovery from unemployment claims last week than red states, which rank 24 on average,” said Jill Gonzalez, WalletHub analyst. “The lower the number of the ranking, the bigger the state’s recovery was.”

How has unemployment in California – the state with the most COVID-19 cases – recovered?

“California’s unemployment claims have experienced the quickest recovery in the U.S. For the week of January 18, California had 53,299 new unemployment claims, a 95% decrease from the peak during the coronavirus pandemic,” said Jill Gonzalez, WalletHub analyst.

We are praying good health for all!

Five coronavirus cases surfaced at the Capitol over the last week.

The ABQ Journal is reporting Matt Garcia-Sierra, a spokesman for GOP members of the House, said that Republican leaders are speaking with the state Department of Health about how to proceed and that their staff will stay home Friday.


FGGAM just received this news release from the New Mexico House GOP. We are praying for the good health of all. I just got a text message that a friend of ours, Mary J Cobb is at UNM Hospital fighting for her life on a ventilator because of COVID! Please pray! Mask Up!

RELEASE: House GOP Leaders COVID outbreak response

A statement from House Republican Leader Jim Townsend (Artesia), and House Republican Whip Rod Montoya (Farmington):

“The Speaker has chosen to address the very serious COVID crisis in the Roundhouse by relaying a political narrative to the media that House Republicans had a catered lunch. The allegation of a catered lunch is nothing more than a red-herring. A member did pick up individually packaged meals that were distributed to members. Restaurant, homemade and individually packaged meals are eaten by everyone who is working in the Capitol. Under the Governor’s public health order, New Mexicans are allowed to remove their masks to eat and drink beverages. We would like clarification if that is not the case, either in the public health order or within the COVID-safe rules in the Roundhouse.

The Speaker should show more concern about the five, unrelated to House Republicans, positive cases within the Roundhouse. We have verified with all of our staff and lawmakers that there are not any further positive cases. We have issued notice to our entire staff and caucus that if they have been exposed they must immediately follow COVID protocol and quarantine. Additionally House Republicans have been open and transparent about the single case within our legislative caucus. Our leadership chose immediately to address the positive test to ensure that our staff and members had proper notice. We directed staff and legislators not to return to the Capitol today so we could do adequate COVID tracing and a deep cleaning.

The Speaker should be more concerned with the five positive cases that are spreading in the Capitol, outside of House Republican offices, instead of attempting to deflect with politically charged accusations. Further, we are extremely disappointed that the knowledge of the unrelated five additional cases were withheld from House Republican lawmakers and staff. The fact remains, there is COVID spread in the Roundhouse, and it is a danger to staff, lawmakers and media who have been present in the building.”


Johnson & Johnson vaccine provides strong shield against severe COVID, but raises concern about variants
Johnson & Johnson’s one-shot vaccine generated strong protection against Covid-19 in a large, late-stage trial, raising hopes that it can rapidly reshape a stumbling immunization campaign.

Read in Bloomberg:

COVID-19 outbreak reported at the Roundhouse

Coronavirus cases emerge at Roundhouse

Small Business Relief Legislation Unanimously Clears Senate Committee


SANTA FE – Thursday, legislation to provide tax payment relief to New Mexico businesses cleared the Senate Tax, Business, and Transportation Committee with unanimous, bipartisan support. Senate Bill 25 (SB 25), sponsored by Senator Cliff Pirtle (District 32-Chaves, Eddy, and Otero), proposes a temporary waiving of penalties and interest on unpaid gross receipts tax, local option gross receipts tax, or compensating tax liabilities that became due on the effective date of the first COVID-19 public health order (March 13, 2020). The waiver would end two months after the public health order is rescinded or expires.

“Our local businesses are the backbone of our economy and I appreciate the bipartisan support for this bill,” said Senator Pirtle. “New Mexico business owners were forced to close through no fault of their own, and as they reopen, this reasonable step will keep them from being further penalized by the state.”

All underlying taxes would have to be paid in full on or before the 25th day of the third month following the expiration or rescission of the public health order. SB 25 will now advance to the Senate Finance Committee.


Republican Leadership Office

New Mexico State Senate

From the New Mexico Watchman, Our Dear Brother in Christ Jose Vasquez
Dear Friends,
Today Friday, January 29, 2021, HB 47 Assisted Suicide will be heard in the House Health and Human Services Committee. It is the first of two committee before going to the House floor for a vote of the full Chamber. To comment on the bill prior to the hearing please call the committee members.
Also today Friday, January 29, 2021, HB 7 Repeal Abortion Ban will be heard House Judiciary Committee.
House Bill 47 Assisted Suicide Zoom Link:
Current Location
First Committee        ˃     Second Committee   ˃  HOUSE FLOOR|
Health & Human Services
Friday, January 29
8:30 a.m.
House Health & Human Services
Rep. Deborah A. Armstrong     (505) 986-4344
Rep Joanne J. Ferrary               (505) 986-4226 (505) 986-4438 and (575) 649-1231
Rep Brittney Barreras               (505) 986-4248 and (505) 800-9404
Rep Karen C. Bash                  (505) 986-4236 and(505) 238-2117
Rep Marian Matthews             (505) 986-4242
Rep Roger E. Montoya             (505) 986-4464
Rep Phelps Anderson              (505) 986-4226
Rep Gail Armstrong                (505) 986-4227
Rep Stefani Lord                     (505) 986-4453
Rep Luis M. Terrazas              (505) 986-4336
House Bill 7 Repeal Abortion Ban Zoom Link:
Current Location
First Committee        ˃        Second Committee    ˃  HOUSE FLOOR
House Judiciary Committee
Tomorrow, January 29
1:30 p.m.
House Judiciary Committee Members
Gail Chasey (505)986-4411
 Micaela Lara Cadena (505)986-4210
Eliseo Lee Alcon  (505)986-4416
Deborah A Armstrong (505)986-4344
Zachary J. Cook (505)986-4221
Brian Egolf (505)986-4782
Damon Ely (505)986-4243
Georgene Louis (505)986-4329
Matthew McQueen (505)986-4423
Greg Nibert (505)986-4211
William “Bill” R Rehm (505)986-4214
James G Townsend (505)986-4757
New Mexico Watchman

Abby Johnson Says It’s Up to Us to Stop Abortions, Not The President

I love Abby Johnson….a couple of years ago when I was driving to up near Las Vegas, New Mexico to officiate at a wedding and I heard Abbey interviewed on Focus on the Family. The statement that she made that sticks with me to this day was, “It was not the hate that got me over to the Pro-Life movement, it was the love that was shown by the people at the Pro-Life clinic.” I LOVE HER PASSION FOR GOD’S BABIES! Abby is a former Planned Parenthood clinic manager, she’s founded the ministry And Then There Were None

As we see the state of affairs in America, hate is hell. Our country is being destroyed by hate.

From Focus on the Family:

Abby Johnson Shares How It’s Up to Us to Stop Abortions, Not the President

Read here as to what is happening in Poland:

Poland Abortion Ban


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