January 28, 2021
Evangelism: Every Believer’s Calling
Acts 1:1-8
One Sunday a man approached me between services to share his story. He had been addicted to drugs and was leading a hopeless life when he heard a Scripture verse in a sermon. He said that one passage led him to place his trust in Jesus Christ.
We all have a story. Oftentimes the more we surrender to God, the more we see His hand in our life. And the more we watch Him work, the more we want to share with others what He has done.
The same was true of the disciples, who gathered around Jesus before His ascension. They heard His command to spread the gospel, make disciples, and baptize people from all nations. Surely this seemed like an overwhelming task for a handful of followers, but they obeyed. Their personal experiences with Christ undoubtedly motivated them to share the good news, and they also must have gained confidence from Jesus’ promise of His presence and power.
Are you passionately telling others about Christ? One of our highest callings is to tell others about Him. As was true for the early Christians, our own experience with the Savior is the most exciting and convincing story to tell.
Bible in One Year: Exodus 36-38

From Pastor Dewey:

One thing that I am thankful for is for people who ‘make me think.’ We live in a world full of hate, violence, such quick reactions of hate on Twitter, Facebook and in person, or on the phone…etc… How about the people in your life who make you STOP AND THINK Instead of reacting emotionally, take time to react in a logical way, a Biblical way. My wife Sharon has had that effect on me for sure. We talk a lot about all things. She helps guide me through this land mine of hate in America coming from all directions. I cover the news at
FGGAM.ORG 7 days a week, up ay 4am and when I start reporting the news, its like reporting on a war right now! I have to stay very close to God so that I do not say or type anything stupid, I recall the many things Sharon has taught me. Many Americans are reacting to the situation we all live in, in such a hateful, irrational way, even Christians. I watched the news conference of the newly appointed Secretary of State yesterday and many of the comments during his presentation were very, very hateful on the video I was watching. They were really dumb comments and very harmful. It seems we have had such a dumbing down of America going on for years, as I have reported many times. Who in your life makes you STOP AND THINK BEFORE YOU REACT TO ANYTHING! I have God and Sharon and others, which I am so very grateful. My Daddy always taught me that, son your smarts will be shown by how you react to things in your life”
I will PS this: ..I will never understand people that post hatful stuff on Facebook….what is that going to change in the world? It is not going to change anyone’s opinion. It’s like preaching to your own little group. Hate destroys. The problem with MUCH of the American Church is that it preaches to the choir and has not carried out The Great Commission.
I have started to take people off my page because all they do is post hate and false news. I will not retreat from this platform because we are a ministry and we will continue to reach people all over God’s green earth for God’s Glory Alone. I get such encouraging notes from people almost everyday, those notes help make keep going. We are here to report news and inspiration from a Biblical Worldview not a Political Worldview. Most Dems and Republicans are behaving badly. I’m praying for a JESUS PARTY! AMEN!
I have my God filter on and my Sharon filter on. I will say I still do make mistakes., but I try hard everyday not to.
Your greatest test will be how you handle someone who mishandled you. From Havilah Cunnington
A repairman came to our house the other day, a very loving, soft spoken man of God and said to me right off the bat, “We are losing aren’t we.” It was not a question it was a statement that the Church is losing America. I told him sad, but true, because the Church has not carried out the Great Commission, which is a command from our Lord, not a suggestion. The Church fell in love with preaching to the choir and replaced the salt with the candy dish.
Matthew 5:13 “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.
We will continue to use all ther tools that God says to: There has been an increase in visits to the
FGGAM.ORG website during the pandemic. We have such dedicated writers for God and many more visits than last year. It is amazing to think that since God formed
FGGAM.ORG, we have reached over 6.5 million people. Our top countries being the United States, Nigeria, India, Philippines, South Africa, Ghana, Canada, China Vietnam and Russia. This does not include the ministries other activities such as preaching, revivals, social media, newspaper columns, podcasts and radio. Our Sunday radio program is broadcast from 5 stations to eastern South Dakota, northern Iowa and western Minnesota.