Save the Persecuted Christians: There is A Deeper Meaning to International Human Rights Day
‘Public Recognition of Mass Persecution and Vigilant Attention to Ending this Persecution Must Be Mandatory’
WASHINGTON— On December 10th, International Human Rights Day, the world will remember the day the General Assembly of the UN adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The UDHR is one of UN’s major achievements as well as the first enunciation of human rights across the world.
Adopted on December 10, 1948, the Declaration stipulates universal values and a shared standard of achievement for everyone in every country. While the Declaration is not a binding document, it inspired over 60 human rights instruments that today make a common standard of human rights. It is the most translated document around the globe available in over 500 languages.
“The theme for 2020 is ‘Recover Better – Stand up for Human Rights,’” said Dede Laugesen, executive director of Save the Persecuted Christians (STPC), a leading international human rights advocacy group that works on behalf of hundreds of millions of persecuted Christians worldwide.
“While this theme relates to the COVID-19 pandemic and focuses on the need to ensure Human Rights are central to recovery efforts, there is a deeper meaning for STPC,” continued Laugesen. “Public recognition of mass persecution and vigilant attention to ending this persecution must be perceived as mandatory, if we expect human rights to ever be truly respected.”
Save the Persecuted Christians is working to raise awareness about the plight of over 300 million Christians facing extreme violence and injustice in countries around the world. The organization—an informal, national coalition—began in February 2018 and reorganized as a formal charitable organization in December 2018.
The mission of Save the Persecuted Christians is to save lives and save souls by disseminating actionable information about the magnitude of the persecution taking place globally and by mobilizing concerned Americans for the purpose of disincentivizing further attacks on those who follow Jesus.
With so much of the world’s Christian population being imprisoned and/or harassed for their beliefs, such as Christians in Nigeria, the need has never been greater for the sort of grassroots campaign STPC’s SaveUs Movement is working to foster. Its efforts are modeled after a miraculously successful one that helped free another population suffering from heavy persecution—Soviet Jews—by penalizing those in the Kremlin responsible for such repression. Through this movement, Save the Persecuted Christians endeavors to provide American policymakers with the popular support they need to effect real change worldwide and alleviate systemically the suffering being experienced by so many of those following Christ.